« on: Jul 31, 2006, 08:52 am »
“Hey, how do you join Equity, anyway?”
I got this question over the weekend from a May 06’ college graduate. A theater major from a good sized university with a thriving theater department. I get asked this pretty often by crew, assistants, even actors, and we certainly see it posted here regularly.
It got me wondering (not for the first time): why aren’t undergraduates being taught the basics of how to join a union, and the pros/cons of doing so? I know I left college with only the vaguest notions of what Equity was and how to join it, but at the time I never dreamed I’d grow up to be an AEA SM, so I wasn’t looking for that info, either. I’m not suggesting colleges should be cheerleaders for Equity, but it seems like the to-join/not-to-join question is one that many stage managers and actors will face at some point in their careers.
Are my experiences, as an undergrad myself and later encountering other hapless grads, the exception or the norm? If any of you went to schools that attempted to explain union membership, how helpful and correct did you find that information?
I recognize that how to join and should I join are separate questions, and would hope that after getting a theater degree, you’re ready to look at the should.