Author Topic: Guilty Pleasures  (Read 16077 times)

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Guilty Pleasures
« on: May 29, 2019, 11:12 am »
I feel a little jerk in my side every time I see a post about Avenue Q closing.
I was 8 years old when it came out 16 years ago. My older brother, a now completely non-theatrical man's man, introduced it to me. The theatre-bug bit my hard and fast. I had the cast album, it was my first full cast album. On my first trip up to NYC, just a year ago, the show was at the top of my list to see. I'm so glad I saw it while I had the chance.

It's stupid, I know, to be sentimental over a gaggle of smelly puppets. But to have that show be my first exposure to theatre? Yeah, I'm going to miss it incredibly.

What sort of shows have you all seen and fan-girled over that eventually had to close up shop after a long healthy run? What are those guilty pleasures that you wish would grace a Broadway stage, if only for one more night?

Everything in life is only for now.

