Author Topic: SCENERY: Outdoor Theatre Stage Surface  (Read 15270 times)

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SCENERY: Outdoor Theatre Stage Surface
« on: Aug 17, 2004, 04:32 pm »
I'm currently working at an outdoor theatre, and the stage surface itself is one of the biggest problems with the show.  It used to be a mostly clay mixture that was rock hard and dangerous for fight combat, and yet when tilled, became dangerous for ladies in character shoes.  The drainage was horrible, and we had to cancel several performances due to mud!
The stage has since been worked on, and the surface is mixed with a sandy mixture, which includes gypsm to aid in drainage.(It hasn't rained since, so we don't know how well it works)  However, I've heard rumor that AEA has an opposition to gypsm, and I was wondering if anyone knows anything of this.  My main concern is if it is a health hazard to the cast and crew.  The research that I've done so far hasn't led me to any conclusions... any info or help would be great!  Thanks!
« Last Edit: Jun 08, 2009, 10:59 pm by PSMKay »
Done and Done


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AEA Concern?
« Reply #1 on: Aug 18, 2004, 05:33 am »
Call them direct.
Ask them specifically.

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