Author Topic: Student project and posting changes effective May 22, 2010  (Read 28147 times)

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Effective May 22, 2010, based on input from the community and discussion among the moderation team, the following changes have been made:

Changes to student homework assistance policies:
1. A new board for student homework posts has been created, entitled "Homework Help".  It can be found down by the Green Room on the main page of the forums.

2. Students no longer need to ask a moderator for permission before posting requests for help to the "Homework Help" board.  However, members must contributed at least 5 posts elsewhere before they will be able to create new topics on that particular board.

3. A full set of new rules for homework assignments can be read here and can also be found in the "SMNet for Students" section of the Site Rules.

Changes to general posting policies:
1. If you have made fewer than 5 posts, any new topics you create will need to be approved by a moderator before becoming publicly visible on the following boards:

  • SM: Plays & Musicals
  • Tools of the Trade

Moderators may request that you post to a different board or clean it up your post so that it is proper for a professional community.  They will also make sure that your content adheres to our community standards.

2. If you have made fewer than 5 posts, moderator approval is also required for posting attachments to Plays & Musicals and to Tools of the Trade.

3. Moderator approval is NOT required in order to reply to existing topics, nor is it required when creating new topics on boards outside of the two mentioned above.

4. Members who have contributed more than 5 posts will not be subject to any posting restrictions.