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Messages - SMeustace

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Thank you.

The link you sent me, doesn't work.

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / Re: Call Times
« on: Jul 28, 2014, 12:48 pm »
Thankyou. That is really good advice.

Thank you. Is "system" referring to the staff or clef?

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / Re: Call Times
« on: Jul 28, 2014, 11:39 am »
One of the rehearsal rules we mention to them (and emphasize) at the first rehearsal is that the cast/crew is required and needs to check in and confirm with stage management before they leave. At that time I also confirm their call time for the next day when i say good night to them.

For small to medium casts, I call/text them reminders of their next day's calls. But for larger casts, its their responsibility to check the schedule and contact stage management for questions or concerns.

How does one reference a section/part in sheet music or beat in sheet music? I've heard someone say they reference it as system/measure/beat or something like that.

Thanks, good note. I'll try emailing their individual notes instead of sending out a single document.

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / Re: Call Times
« on: Jul 28, 2014, 08:10 am »
That does make a lot of sense, "going to work to find out what time their call is - to come into work". It is a good thing i rely more on email/call then the actual callboard for call times.

Because it's a school setting, a good number of the actors cross by the theater department anyway.

I recently came across a problem my last production with a few actors signing-in way before they need to. Sometimes even hours before their call or even before the start of the rehearsal.

Have you ever experienced something similar to this?

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / COMMUNICATION: Call Times
« on: Jul 28, 2014, 07:19 am »
In what way do you give the cast/crew their call time for the next day?

At school I've always swing by the theatre department to post that day's schedule (which also doubles as a sign-in sheet) before I leave for class or whatever I have planned before rehearsal. If any changes are made I would write in/cross out/whiteout the changes, then only contact the people who would be affected by the change. If i'm unable to drop by the theatre department for any reason, I contact my ASM to make the changes on the callboard.

I also send out weekly schedule via email. But at the first cast/crew meeting I tell them that those schedules sent by email are subject to change and to always rely on checking the callboard or contact Stage Management.

Edited to add topic tag - Maribeth

If you type up line notes then distribute them to the actors- do you email all the line notes on a single document to the cast, or do you email each actor individually with only their own notes?

Do you automatically give the job of doing line notes to an ASM? (if you have one or more)

Does anyone have a preferred method of giving line notes? I have three-

I like to note all the line notes in my prompt book in pencil. Only erasing after errors were fixed.

1) I type them up and email them to the cast at the end of the night.
2) write them on slips of paper to hand out to the cast afterwards. 
2) Give the notes verbally to the actors.

That way either way I have a record of line notes, so i know what lines they have trouble with and which lines they corrected over time.   

Well, programs like Microsoft Powerpoint uses "slides".

What exactly do you mean how does it translate in an educational setting?

What is the difference of a production Stage Manager (PSM) and a Stage Manager (SM) in terms of responsibilities and tasks? What about in professional theater settings and/or in companies producing two or more shows at around the same time?

Edited to add topic tag. - Maribeth

The only contact info I have on the callboard, is that of myself, and the rest of the stage management.

With permission, I provide the cast/crew with a sheet contact info of the costume designer/costume, costume shop, scene shop, director's office phone and email, theater office phone, box office phone-if necessary. I don't post this sheet on the callboard. 

In a school setting, I give them the phone numbers for campus security (if one exists).

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