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Messages - thesteff

Pages: [1]
Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / CALLING: Flying actors
« on: Apr 30, 2013, 01:44 pm »
Going to be SMing Tarzan in a few months.  I have never called a show with flying actors before.  I have been backstage, but not on headset.  Any tips for calling the show?  I will be talking with the company doing the flying,  as well, but any insight/assistance would be appreciated.  Thank you!!

Edited to add title tag. - Maribeth

I always make sure that my 1/2 hour is given by me directly (unless I am coping with an emergency).  Whether or not I give a face-to-face 15 minutes depends upon the size of the theatre/distance from green room to booth.  If I am calling the show from backstage, I will usually give 5 minutes myself and send the ASM through for places.

I agree that face to face time with the actors is very important . . . when I find myself with casts that require some mediation, they are much more likely to accept mediation from me that way.

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / I'm with Ruth
« on: Oct 29, 2005, 09:27 am »
I am also with Ruth . . . I much prefer to have separate scripts for blocking and calling, so I do blocking on the right.  I also make sure to write my cues in the calling script in bright colors (the ones you can still see as bright colors under blue light) so that the stand out.

Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / Don't laugh!
« on: Oct 11, 2005, 11:30 pm »
I have worked on a few different shows that required "roast bird" . . .

One of the methods we have used is (yes, this is a little scary, but it works very well) to first roast an actual bird.  Afterwards, prop it so that all grease, etc. drains away.  Then, rinse out the inside with soapy water.  Obviously you have to be careful with the outside so that you don't mar your work.  Next, fill a bucket with shellac, and dunk that baby.  Let it dry fully, then dunk it again.  Not only do you have a realistic looking turkey; it can survive a few drop-kicks as well!

SMNetwork Archives / Kit keeper
« on: Oct 11, 2005, 11:23 pm »
Rather than spending 120 bucks . . . I have one of those inexpensive rolling suitcases (the upright kind with the extendable handle).  I have smaller containers inside to separate "types" of supplies.  Works fabulously, and it only cost $50!  (I have actually seen them for less since then . . . ya gotta check out the close-out stores.)

SMNetwork Archives / This one can save an actor
« on: Sep 14, 2005, 07:31 pm »

Not just for the diabetics & hypoglycemics, but also for those actors who put so much energy in that they almost fall over offstage . . . pop a glucose tablet in the actor's mouth and nobody has to carry him downstairs . . .

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