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Topics - JustinJanke

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Do you all generate rehearsal reports for your understudy rehearsals? If so, what information do you provide and who do you send it to?

I recently did generate an understudy rehearsal report and the company didn't seem too thrilled about the idea. Said it was unfair to publish performance notes on them. Sure, its less work for me on my end if I don't do it, but in the event one of the understudies go on, I want the documentation that we went over the material on a certain date and note how the understudy is currently performing. I need the insurance of "we went over it, they struggled at these specific moments and we asked for further assistance. In performance they failed because the company did not give us the time or staff to go over requested material." I want to save myself the future heart-ache by documenting the understudy rehearsals as they happen.

Let me know your thoughts!

Edited to add topic tag - Maribeth

The Green Room / Guilty Pleasures
« on: May 29, 2019, 11:12 am »
I feel a little jerk in my side every time I see a post about Avenue Q closing.
I was 8 years old when it came out 16 years ago. My older brother, a now completely non-theatrical man's man, introduced it to me. The theatre-bug bit my hard and fast. I had the cast album, it was my first full cast album. On my first trip up to NYC, just a year ago, the show was at the top of my list to see. I'm so glad I saw it while I had the chance.

It's stupid, I know, to be sentimental over a gaggle of smelly puppets. But to have that show be my first exposure to theatre? Yeah, I'm going to miss it incredibly.

What sort of shows have you all seen and fan-girled over that eventually had to close up shop after a long healthy run? What are those guilty pleasures that you wish would grace a Broadway stage, if only for one more night?

Everything in life is only for now.

Employment / Not Working
« on: Apr 25, 2019, 01:50 pm » has not been working on my work computer and cell phone for a few days now. Anyone else having trouble accessing this website? Is the website too busy? The error message kind of suggests that, but I've been getting this same message for two or three days now.

The following message appears everytime I try to access the website:

Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (42000/1203): User boothchicken3 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/content/98/4267498/html/includes/sessionHeader.php on line 26
Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.

And who is this boothchicken person?  :o

Stage Management: Other / List of Touring Broadway Houses
« on: Jan 31, 2019, 02:10 pm »
Hey y'all - Does anyone know of a list of all the touring Broadway houses across America? I know that there are search functions on to "find one near you" or to sift through all the shows currently touring, but I'm interested in looking at a list of all the venues across the country the can house a touring Broadway show.

If a list doesn't exist somewhere, I have started one in my google drive, but it sure is a lot of work tracking all these theaters down. Currently I'm just copy/pasting the "upcoming tour locations" for various tours out and about right now.

Help? Advice? Already existing lists?

Introductions / Hello From Richmond!
« on: Jan 02, 2018, 07:14 pm »
Hey Folks!
My name is Justin Janke. I am a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University pursuing a BFA in Theatre with a concentration in Stage Management and Technical Production. I've looked through the forum before but I figured with graduation looming a mere five months away it's about time to join.
Hope everyone had a great holiday season, Happy New Year!

So I'm in pre-pro for my last university production and I've been poised with a new question by several actors: Will the university insure my musical instruments?

I was wondering if anyone out there has any perspective on the question. I'm especially interested on hearing any specific Equity rules regarding it.

More backstory for anyone interested...
Typically for our musicals my university will hire professional or pre-professional musicians to play in the pit. However for our next play (not musical), The Two Gentlemen of Verona, we are asking actors to double as musicians for some additional aspects to the show. Actors have gotten talking and now are practically requiring the university to insure the instruments through the rehearsal and performance process. They have even gone out to ask for additional compensation for "wear and tear." Actors don't get paid at our university, they are enrolled for up to three credits per production. So it just proves to be a unique situation. Thoughts?

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