« on: Nov 14, 2012, 02:06 pm »
Hey all,
Long time reader of the board, and recently I've transferred into the BFA Stage Management program at Rutgers in New Jersey. A quick bite off of my theater background is that I've been involved backstage (never been onstage, and preferably will never be) since the 6th grade. Have been in various positions on SM teams basically since then including high school, and some community theater at college. I'm currently in tech as the ASM of Doubt: A Parable, we preview tonight, open tomorrow, and run this weekend.
I transferred from Rutgers' IT program so I have a pretty large computer background and am constantly looking for ways to automate the process (on my mac) of paperwork, forms, and what not. I also worked around with a website (currently at jerryksmith.com) because I like to code, it helps relieve the stress of life (kinda weird I know).
So that's a quick picture of me, I'm excited for the things I'm going to learn at school in the coming 2.5 years before I graduate and the great people that I'm going to be able to work with. I'd also like to thank this board for being in existence because it's already saved my butt on more then one occasion, whether it be a form, or a more simple explanation of some odd concept. So that's all!