Since it is a whole new year, and the other thread was getting really long, here is a brand new 2011 trivia thread!!If you're new to SMNet, here's the instructions for playing trivia:
To play, click here
Please register over there with the same username there as you use here so you can be tracked in the standings.
To quote PSMKay -
"To register, you will need the tournament password. Use the same password as you use for the SMNetwork resume browser. The one that starts with the letter f. The password is visible on the main page of smnetwork in the descriptive text of a forum that is visible only to registered, logged in members. Please do not PM the password or post the password publicly. The hints that have been given so far in this post should be more than sufficient for figuring it out. The trivia tournament is TOUGH and figuring out the password is meant as a warm-up for you."
There's a different set of questions every day of the week. Topics are chosen by a player in the top ten who hasn't picked topics in the past year.
Congrats to the 23 members who played during December!! Here is the top 10.
1. rvhead (248 points, 3 wins)
2. loebtmc (241 points, 4 wins)
3. ruthny (234 points, 5 wins)
4. Lizzie (220 points, 5 wins)
5. scott (207 points, 2 wins)
6. MarcieA (196 points, 3 wins)
7. stagebear (186 points, 3 wins)
8. ScooterSM (163 points, 3 wins)
9. yomanda (145 points, 0 wins)
10. babens (143 points, 2 wins
Also congrats to yomanda, who will pick categories for January!! I will PM you a list of categories to choose from.
**Moderators, please feel free to add this to the old thread if that is a better choice. Tx!**
10 pages means it's time for the padlock. Old thread is locked, new thread is stickied. - PSMK
Post Merge: Jan 03, 2011, 03:30 pm
And the categories for January are:
Sunday - people 2
Monday - animals
Tuesday - general knowledge 6
Wednesday - theatre
Thursday - mixed bag
Friday - movies 3
Saturday - history 2
Thanks yomanda, and enjoy all!!