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Topics - ScooterSM

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I am looking for an ASM for a show at the Boston Conservatory. It will be a musical with a medium size cast, title TBD. Dates are 5/18 - 6/7 mostly week day (12-6pm ish) rehearsals until tech. This is a paid position ($800). TBC is located right by the Hynes T stop in Boston.  Local SM's preferred as there is no housing available. Please contact me by email ( if you are interested. Thanks!

I came across an odd issue today with a show I am directing, and thought I would see if anyone had any insight.  (I searched the archives but didn't find anything on this.)

The production manager said that the rights contract strictly prohibits any audio or video recording of any kind. Not allowed for archival purposes, marketing, anything.  He said that they are doing this with many of their shows now.  The show is Thornton Wilder, so it isn't that it is new work or something controversial.

Has anyone come across this issue? It seems like it would be in Samuel French's best interest to allow at least some documentation of shows that they own the rights to.  I know that AEA has strict video rules, but I haven't ever run into a publisher who has this caveat in the contract.

I don't want to put a full performance on the web or anything like that.  It would be nice for the theatre to have an archival copy, and I was planning on using some recorded dialogue for an effect.  Does this mean that any words that are recorded can't be from the actual script?

Apologies if this sounds like kind of a rant.  It isn't intended that way.  I am just bewildered and fairly caught off guard by this.

I appreciate any input anyone might have!

Edited to add topic tag- Maribeth

Self-Promotion / Baby!
« on: Dec 05, 2012, 06:41 pm »
No, not the beloved Maltby and Shire musical, but an actual human baby!  My most recent production has been baby Maija Naomi, born 11/11 (early, like every good stage manager).  We are still working out sleeping, etc, although AEA breaks have been a great preparation for the 90 min sleep/eat cycle she seems to be favoring.
I am planning on going back to work in February, and would love any advice that other working mom/SM's might have!


The Green Room / Trivia Tournament IV: Trivia's Revenge!!
« on: Jan 16, 2012, 04:19 pm »
Another new year, another new trivia thread!  Since the old one has reached 10 pages, we will start anew for 2012.  This is a great chance if you haven't played before to test out your wits against other SM's!!

If you're new to SMNet, here's the instructions for playing trivia:

To play, click here

Please register over there with the same username there as you use here so you can be tracked in the standings.

To quote PSMKay -
"To register, you will need the tournament password.   Use the same password as you use for the SMNetwork resume browser.  The one that starts with the letter f.  The password is visible on the main page of smnetwork in the descriptive text of a forum that is visible only to registered, logged in members.  Please do not PM the password or post the password publicly.  The hints that have been given so far in this post should be more than sufficient for figuring it out.  The trivia tournament is TOUGH and figuring out the password is meant as a warm-up for you."

There's a different set of questions every day of the week.  Topics are chosen by a player in the top ten who hasn't picked topics in the past year.

I am hoping someone might have some info tucked away that may be able to help me with a problem.  For an upcoming show, we are looking for what the preshow announcement would have been in 1959.  (Yes, I am aware that it is unlikely that there would have been an announcement, but if there were...)  It would be for a Broadway try out in Boston.

Any ideas that anyone might be able to give would be great!  Unfortunately Google hasn't been very helpful.


Edit to subject line-Rebbe

Hi everyone-

My fabulous significant other has created a new stage management app for the iPhone platform, and is looking for testers.  It is geared towards data management (contact info, scene charts, props lists, etc).  He is looking for people with the following:

-has iPhone, iPod, or iPad running IOS 4
-willing to use the app for at least one show worth of data
-willing to write notes/comments on how they would improve the app or bugs or what they like

You would get:
-a Beta version of the app
-a free copy of the finalized version when it is released ($9.99 estimated value)
-our unending thanks and admiration

If you are interested, please PM me with a email address that he can use to send you the beta version.

Thank you!!

We are investigating starting an internship program at our company, and are having some disagreements about what we should offer as compensation.  We would be able to offer college credit, but would like to add some other incentives other than the experience working with a professional company on a variety of shows.
Some guidelines are professional company connected to a university, large scale musicals and operas.  Would serve as primary SM in rehearsals and ASM in tech and performance.  Typical schedule is 5 weeks rehearsal, 1 week tech, 1 week performance.  There would not be housing.

 Any input or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


The Green Room / Trivia Tournament III - 2.0.11
« on: Jan 02, 2011, 10:03 pm »
Since it is a whole new year, and the other thread was getting really long, here is a brand new 2011 trivia thread!!

If you're new to SMNet, here's the instructions for playing trivia:

To play, click here

Please register over there with the same username there as you use here so you can be tracked in the standings.

To quote PSMKay -
"To register, you will need the tournament password.   Use the same password as you use for the SMNetwork resume browser.  The one that starts with the letter f.  The password is visible on the main page of smnetwork in the descriptive text of a forum that is visible only to registered, logged in members.  Please do not PM the password or post the password publicly.  The hints that have been given so far in this post should be more than sufficient for figuring it out.  The trivia tournament is TOUGH and figuring out the password is meant as a warm-up for you."

There's a different set of questions every day of the week.  Topics are chosen by a player in the top ten who hasn't picked topics in the past year.

Congrats to the 23 members who played during December!!  Here is the top 10.

1. rvhead (248 points, 3 wins)
2. loebtmc (241 points, 4 wins)
3. ruthny (234 points, 5 wins)
4. Lizzie (220 points, 5 wins)
5. scott (207 points, 2 wins)
6. MarcieA (196 points, 3 wins)
7. stagebear (186 points, 3 wins)
8. ScooterSM (163 points, 3 wins)
9. yomanda (145 points, 0 wins)
10. babens (143 points, 2 wins

Also congrats to yomanda, who will pick categories for January!!  I will PM you a list of categories to choose from.


**Moderators, please feel free to add this to the old thread if that is a better choice. Tx!**

10 pages means it's time for the padlock.  Old thread is locked, new thread is stickied. - PSMK

Post Merge: Jan 03, 2011, 03:30 pm
And the categories for January are:

Sunday - people 2
Monday - animals
Tuesday - general knowledge 6
Wednesday - theatre
Thursday - mixed bag
Friday - movies 3
Saturday - history 2

Thanks yomanda, and enjoy all!!

Has anyone had any brilliant solutions for the razor that is used in Sweeney Todd to slit throats?  The issue that we are running into is how to deliver the fake blood onto the neck of the victim and still have it look like their throat was slit.  Our props master has the razors, but we are stuck on how to make it work.  Ideas that have been discussed are having a squeezable bulb on the handle w/ blood, having a syringe loaded w/ blood attached, having something rigged on the victim's neck, or just killing the actors every night and then getting new ones.  Unfortunately these ideas aren't working, so any other help would be greatly appreciated!

A few relevant details:
-The theatre is a 375 seat proscenium with an orchestra pit, so the audience is not right on top of the stage.
-There are 3 groups of three actors each who have to be killed.  The razor goes offstage between each of the groups, so it could be refilled.
-The director would like the show to be pretty bloody, so the volume of blood would need to be decent.
-A cheaper solution is always the best, but we do have some budget room to solve this.

Our props master did scour the local theatres and the internet to see if there was anything available for rental, but strangely there wasn't anything.

Thank you all in advance for any ideas you might have!! :-)

Edit to add tag to subject line-Rebbe

The Green Room / Talent tells it like it should be...
« on: Apr 05, 2010, 07:21 pm »
Henry Rollins' post backstage at his concert...

It is wonderful to see someone who is a well known performer openly appreciate the work of the crew, and encourage others to do the same!

(Just FYI, the language is PG-13)

Employment / Freelance rates for TV broadcast of performance
« on: Dec 11, 2008, 03:48 pm »
I did a search and couldn't find an answer to this, so hopefully someone can help!!

I have been offered a SM position for a national TV broadcast of a one time stage performance, and was asked about rates.  It is for a non-profit organization, but it is a high profile event.  This is on the US east coast (not NYC).  I don't typically freelance, so I have no idea what the going rates are.  It is 2 rehearsal days and one performance in a non-IA house, working with a union TV crew and about 200 performers.  I would really like to do the gig, so I don't want to highball my rates, but would like to be paid fairly.
Can anyone please help give me a rough idea?

Thank you so much!!!!


I am working with a company (non-AEA) that works in conjunction with a university, and am trying to find some sort of "contract" that we can use with our student actors that dictates what is expected of them, and in return what they can expect from us.  Does anyone have anything like that?
We run our company as close to AEA as we can, including electing deputies, but it would be great to have something that they have signed that says we expect them to be on time, know their roles, show up for fittings, and not add conflicts for rehearsal, and in turn we will give them 24 hours notice for rehearsal changes, not call them when they are not needed, etc.

Any kind of rough draft of something similar would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!


Tools of the Trade / Erasable highlighters?
« on: Mar 22, 2008, 07:31 pm »
Has anyone else seen an erasable highlighter?  About 6-7 years ago, someone in my family got one as swag from a convention, and knowing my SM love for office supplies, gave it to me.  It was amazing!  It really did erase, and not leave any marks behind.  However, I have NEVER been able to find another one, and there wasn't a manufacturer's name on it, only the telecom company that was giving them out at the convention.

Was this just a one off, SM's dream gadget that never caught on, or has anyone else encountered this pen???


I just got a new digital stopwatch (Exertech brand), and and after using it in rehearsals for a few days, I realized it doesn't time accurately.  After a run through that seemed unusually short, I checked it against the other 3 stopwatches that I have, and it is 10% slow (it loses 1 second per 10).  I did check all of the other stopwatches against each other, and they all match exactly.

Has anyone else ever had this problem?  It is one of the strangest things I have ever seen...  ???


(I am not sure if this is the right place for this, so mods please feel free to move it, thanks!)

Does any one have any creative suggestions for preshow announcements?  Our management team is trying to find some ideas, as our standard announcement is not doing its job.  We have recently been having problems with patrons using their cellphone cameras to video the performances.  I can see the screens from the booth, and notify house management, but unlike the old days, when they would have an actual camera and could confiscate their film or tape, they just have a phone.  We are hoping to find ideas of creative announcements to discourage people from wanting to video, in addition to turning off their cellphones, talking to their neighbor, unwrapping any crinkly candies, and telling them where the emergency exits are.

Would anyone be willing to please share ideas that they have used in the past that have been successful?



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