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Messages - rjstevens

Pages: [1]
SMNetwork Archives / Interviews?
« on: Mar 04, 2005, 02:48 pm »
Guess my beef comes in with the wide range of attitudes I've gotten regarding interviews.

SMNetwork Archives / Interviews?
« on: Mar 03, 2005, 11:17 pm »
I'm currently working as an intern at ATL, and have been sending out resumes like mad.  I'm based in Pittsburgh PA, and currently living in Kentucky...
So, here's my beef.  I've had a few calls/e-mails about interviews.  But, of course, some of these interviews are pretty far away, far enough that I can not physically get to due to my current work load (Humana Festival craziness) and the fact that I can not afford to fly or drive to most of these places.
Any thoughts?  I don't want to back mayself into a corner here by saying "Oh I have no money" "Yes I am working for nothing right now" "I don't have a lengthy time off for 3 months" (which of course means I'm employed = good; no time for a prospective company = bad)
Any thoughts would be helpful.
Rebecca  :)

SMNetwork Archives / resume...
« on: Mar 03, 2005, 10:50 pm »
I have a one page resume that I send out, really basic.  I do everything chronologically, but only include the shows that I feel have shown off my abilities or that are really great eye catchers (either the show or the theater).  I mix up my ASM and SM work, but try to keep it balanced.
The big thing I do is add a link to my website, which serves a my entire resume.  It includes all my shows as well as all my other work, both theatrical and non.  Ever call/e-mail I've gotten back from a potential job has taken the time to look over my resume online.  
hope it goes well...

Pages: [1]