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Scott (formerly Digga)

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« on: Jun 02, 2006, 07:29 pm »
Anyone here have a website?  I'm looking at getting one up and running for my resume and such and was just wondering if other people here had them.  I'd like to get some ideas.  I've seen plenty of Actor websites but never really looked at one for an SM.  If you have one - can you provide a link?  Thanks.


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my site
« Reply #1 on: Jun 02, 2006, 11:12 pm »
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Re: Websites
« Reply #2 on: Jun 23, 2006, 12:21 pm »
You can check out newbielink: [nonactive] for an example as well.

I've had some good luck with having a resume available online (if I get a call while walking down the street or something I can direct them to the website rather than make them wait until I get to my computer). I even discovered someone who stole and plagiarized my entire resume (not only the layout, but some of the names and shows)! So be careful what you put out there. [Since then I've taken the Word document down, and kept only a PDF up for downloading. Lesson learned.]

Mr Shiner has a very nice clean site. In fact I discovered we are both alumni of SRT; though from different times I think. We even know some of the same people, all SRT folk of course.
Kyle Heartt


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Re: Websites
« Reply #3 on: Jun 23, 2006, 01:02 pm »
I think there is a very important thing to note on any website is keep it professional.  Don't use a myspace or blog site. 

There is a lot of talk in the business world about the pros and cons of blogs, and, IMO, I think it is best to seperate them.

I find it funny that someone stole an entire resume off a website.  That's just not cool.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: Websites
« Reply #4 on: Jun 23, 2006, 01:30 pm »
Another example can be found at
Ordo ab chao

Scott (formerly Digga)

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Re: Websites
« Reply #5 on: Jun 23, 2006, 02:43 pm »
I got one set up.  Pretty basic because Microsoft doesn't allow you to use any real features unless you pay for it and I didn't want to pay for it.  But I was able to register my name which is a huge plus for a free site with no ads that I can find.  It holds my resume and a small bio.  I don't think I need much of anything else.

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Re: Websites
« Reply #6 on: Jun 25, 2006, 11:48 am »
Out of interest, do those with websites for their resume find they get work from it?

I have never really considered doing it - I loose interests in pet projects extreamly quickly (ie 3 months or so and I start loosing interest quickly) and know that should I start one, unless I knew it was getting used, it would fall by the way side. For example, the website listed in my profile is a wordpress blog which is (extreamly) poorly maintained. I think I made 4 or so entries, and the only reason it exists is was I wanted to experiment with the software. However if people here found they gathered work, I would certainly be interested in putting one up some time in the not too distant future.


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Re: Websites
« Reply #7 on: Jun 25, 2006, 10:38 pm »
Having a website certainly doesn't replace sending a resume in response to an ad posting; but it does give you a presence online if someone where to search for a stage manager. I've had a few calls though never landed anything. One was actually a headhunter in London looking to recruit someone for the Asian Games!

It doesn't take the place of being pro-active in your job searches, just having a website is a latent thing. Realistically a producer/manager isn't going to waste their time searching the internet to find a stage manager, at least not one that's going to pay you. They will hire someone they know, or someone that was recommended, or they'll post an ad and interview the people that respond.

Having a website is more useful as a backup for situations as I mentioned earlier, or if you meet someone at a gathering. It's a way to say "Hey check out my resume online". Because I have a few other things of interest to some people, like photos, I hope that people that I've worked with will remember the resume is there too and then pass it along if they hear of something.

A website is something that you need to keep updated as you start or finish shows, but, depending on the complexity of the site/page, it can be quite easy and take only a few moments. Some sites can be free, or you can pay for a hosting service and write it off!!! I would agree with MShiner and avoid a MySpace page or blog page to promote yourself. You want something that is going to be professional and you should invest some creativity into it. (I'll spare a rant about how juvenile MySpace is).
Kyle Heartt


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Re: Websites
« Reply #8 on: Jun 26, 2006, 10:30 am »
I have received offers from companies who have found my contact info through the SMA (and I've heard for a few PMs that they prefer to hire through the SMA rather than ARTsearch). But they can't see my resume on the SMA site, just my profile. I'm working to spread the word about the resume browser here on SMNetwork - so post yours and keep it updated. It's a marvelous resource for fellow SMs, students, and hirers alike!

My two cents on websites: I enjoy seeing a professional self-promo site. It just appears to me that the owner is a modern, tech-savvy SM willing to take the time to get themselves out there on the web. However, this effect is destroyed if the site welcomes anything that isn't professional - anything at all about personal life (family, pets, cute pics or animated icons (ick!), etc), especially a blog about what you ate last night and your current crush. I would recommend having two sites if you want to have a page or family and friends to check-in about your life, and another with your resume and professional materials. They can link to each other, but should remain separate portals. [I don't have a website, btw. I am not particularly computer savvy (just savvy enough!) and haven't needed such a resource in my career as yet.]


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Re: Websites
« Reply #9 on: Jun 28, 2006, 12:12 am »
mine is rather basic


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Re: Websites
« Reply #10 on: Jul 01, 2006, 03:41 am »
I just thought I'd reply and say how much I like to read other SMs resumes.

I see people who I've never met that have worked with actors that I adore (and some that I don't adore all that much...) and directors that I've worked with, and jobs that I've applied for.

It's just interesting to me, as I'm sure it is many people.
Companions whom I loved and still love, tell them my song.


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Re: Websites
« Reply #11 on: Jul 01, 2006, 10:13 am »
To those with websites: what service/site do you use as your web host?  Any pros/cons?  Thanks!


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Re: Websites
« Reply #12 on: Jul 01, 2006, 12:25 pm »
Nary a problem in 4 years

(knock wood, spit over my left shoulder, turn around 3 times, go out the door and ask to be let back in)

I'm waiting...?
Ordo ab chao

Scott (formerly Digga)

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Re: Websites
« Reply #13 on: Jul 02, 2006, 05:05 pm »
Microsoft is offering free domain names with their new Beta service.  Get whatever name you want with a .com/.net/.org as long as it's available.  Only con is that unless you pay - your features are limited but I'm able to host my Resume online and it also gave me 5 free email addresses to go with it.  Currently - you have to pay to get it to work with Outlook but I'm cheap so I don't feel like paying right now.  Maybe in the future I will and then I'll be able to use HTML programming as well.


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Re: Websites
« Reply #14 on: Jul 04, 2006, 02:02 am »
(and VSM - come on back in!)