Oh, it's getting exciting now!
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to choose which app will represent the entire apps division in the tournament semifinals. We have two very solid competitors here, and looking at both of them one thing is very clear: when it comes to stage management, tried and true wins out over new technology across the board.
Once again we face an organization vs communication decision here.
Clock has triumphed over Evernote and shuttered Camera with ease. Its simple function and reliable presence on every smartphone makes it indispensable. They say you can't please all of the people all of the time, but I don't think you'll ever hear a stage manager griping about how they wish they could delete the Clock app from their phone.
Meanwhile, Text Messaging has faced two cloud-sharing apps (Dropbox and Drive) but has yet to take on a real organizational tool like Clock. Stage managers have come down strongly in favor of organizational tools throughout this entire tournament. A win here for text messaging would turn that time in favor of the communication side of the job.
Santa will bring the answers to this matchup when he comes down the chimney at midnight (EST) on Christmas Eve.