Author Topic: New Hidden Board: Teaching Stage Management  (Read 15692 times)

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New Hidden Board: Teaching Stage Management
« on: Apr 30, 2013, 04:01 pm »
For the first time in ages, there is a new board on SMNetwork. But there's a twist: it's hidden with very restricted access.

The board is "Teaching Stage Management" - it's for instructors, professors, and those who regularly work with interns.

You must request membership in the "Teachers and Trainers" group to gain access to the board. To do so:

1. Go to your Profile.
2. Go to Modify Profile -> Group membership
3. Find "Teachers and Trainers" at the bottom of the page
4. Click request membership and complete the form on the next page.

I will review your request and approve/deny by hand.

EDIT: Once you're approved, the Teaching board will appear beneath the Students & Novices board. See photo for where to find it.
« Last Edit: Apr 30, 2013, 05:56 pm by PSMKay »

