Author Topic: Headset Comfort/Customization  (Read 21125 times)

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Headset Comfort/Customization
« on: May 26, 2019, 10:50 am »
Hi all!

I just invested in my first headset, a CC-27, and while there are things I really like about it (lightness, ease of movement, no over the ear ache, much easier to hear what's happening on the deck, better with glasses), I still have a couple of small issues I'd like to try and sort out; namely the parts that hook over the ears are a bit tight, and I'd like to try and modify them in some way, and the band doesn't always want to stay tight against the back of my head.

Is there anything folks do to ensure their comfort while wearing their chosen headset/modifications they've made?

I was hoping to try and find a small rubber tube to slip up and over the end of the hook, but for the life of me can't find anything online. Any advice or thoughts are really appreciated!


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Re: Headset Comfort/Customization
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2019, 08:05 pm »
For the smoothing out of the ends bit, look into heat shrink tubing. It's normally used in electrical cabling to cover a solder connection between two wires. It's a rubber product that comes in many sizes, lengths, and colors and is readily available on Amazon. Ideally, you would find a diameter that is the most snug fit before you go about the shrinking.

Heat shrink tubing works by slipping the tubing over the wires (in your case, the hook part) and then shrinking when you apply heat via a heat gun (or hair dryer).

Hope this helps

