Onstage > Tools of the Trade

Digital Script App Query


Hi All,

I'm in the idea stages of possibly building a prompt script app that is specifically designed for performances. I've been using multiple apps for years now, and none of them seem to function in a way that makes it useable, as well as not being able to customize it the way I'd like for quick and easy access.

Of course, I am still a strong proponent of having a paper copy on hand, but in today's age we are slowly but surely moving towards digital, and I'd like to at least look at the possibility of creating an app that could keep up.

Some things I've thought about already:

-Dual page view (including swipe to the left-right to change both pages)
-"menu" on the side (essentially grouping pages into scenes, beats, songs etc. that can be set by the user for quick access)
-Writing on it with a stylus, with saving to a cloud service like dropbox so it is accessible for others on the production staff)
-multiple saved versions
-Quick Search (for a specific line, cue, etc)
-Quick marks (like fourscore) to allow for jumping to various positions (this is esp. helpful for Cut shows for special events, school shows, etc)
-a "sticky note" function to allow one to make temporary notes that can be removed at any point without much trouble.
-Ease of page inserts or cuts and auto tracking to a "group" they are put in

Basically I want to see if it would even be possible to do something like this. If there is anything that anyone on this forum also would like to possibly see, please let me know. I'm just curious to see if there could be a potential market for something along these lines to be developed.

I don't have any advice about features for your app, since I personally am not interested in using a digital calling script at present, but you may be interested in the results on the recently published 2017 Stage Manager Survey. There were some questions about which SM-specific apps people use, and what features they would be interested in seeing in future apps.

I know you said the app was geared for performance, but I'd love an app that the dual page was so I could keep my one-script setup. [Edited, had mistakenly typed one-page setup before.] My runs are so short and often no dance captain or AD to maintain the artistic part (or sometimes teched so short that I'm still finessing cue calls)....so I like to still have my blocking very handy for the run. I'd love to stylus write in the blocking on the right side (and I usually have columns for blocking, director notes, then backstage stuff), but script and cues on the left for me.

Best of luck - I know the woman developing BlockIt has had major financial issues, despite a fundraiser. As many stage managers as there may be, we're still a pretty small group of people in the world of app use.

And yes, I second taking a look at the survey.

I read the survey, and that is what got me thinking. The one thing that stuck out to me was the statement that people would like an app that could be used for multiple things and could be modified to work for them. The first step would be a script, but further steps could be adding options to import other paperwork and have at the ready quickly for reference, etc. I'm just testing the waters right now regarding if there would even be a market for this. I know app building is incredibly expensive, but I've got a few friends in the industry that are interested in working on something like this with the resources to help.


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