Author Topic: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?  (Read 650275 times)

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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #75 on: Nov 01, 2010, 09:59 pm »
About a year ago I wrote a blog post all about my kit and its contents.  You can view the post here: ttp://  At this point, its contents have evolved a bit - I've moved from a residency position to a freelance position and have started carrying my own tape, more tools, & my hole punch (things that don't actually fit inside the physical kit, but are kept in the rehearsal hall or my onsite office).


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #76 on: Feb 03, 2011, 06:59 pm »
I make sure to keep a little something for myself in my kit.  I like to stock up on peanut m&ms.  It's a quick energy booster plus a pre-show treat : )


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #77 on: Apr 01, 2011, 10:29 am »
So, I have been having this debate recently with a couple of stage managers, about the SM kit . . . someone recently turned to me asking if I had something in my kit - a fairly expensive piece of equipment and then a fairly disposable (expensive) good - and I said no, and I was given a tad bit of attitude.  And I stopped and thought - hmmmm, when someone hires me, they are hiring just me, not me and and my equipment - if they want to rent my whole punch, my really cool stapler, my lamination machine, my color printer, my copier, my lap top, my wireless router, my rolling storage cart, my pencil sharpeners, my scale rulers, my tape measures, my software, my . . . my . . . my . . . my . . . my . . . shouldn't there be some sort of rental fee attached to that. 

Now, I cam see if I want to use my personal stuff because I like it better - my laptop because I like a mac over your ancient PC.  Or I have a cooler printer.  Or, whatever - but to be honest, I am sort of against the philosophy that your if you are hiring me your hiring a walking office supply store and first aide cabinet. 

I know that I am usually working at a level that has a certain level of budget to support general stage management needs.  But, I think it’s also about changing attitudes form producers from the ground up.
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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #78 on: Apr 01, 2011, 12:52 pm »
Interesting - aspects of this were danced around came up in recent discussions on the Prodn contract.

For a lot of smaller contracts and for companies without home theaters or without offices adjacent to them, having a kit can be a for-granted by producers and general managers; there are some companies where I know if I don't bring certain things, it's not there nor will they reimburse me for use (thank you 99cents only store!) without discussion. Some places even wonder why they shd replace my flashlight batteries when I lend them to (newer/training) crew who haven't yet learned to bring their own.

For larger companies and/or where there are offices/resources close by, I bring less, but they assume I will have certain basics - hole punch, tape, etc. And yes, most of the time I use my computer rather than theirs unless there actually IS an SM office with certain basics that actually function and isn't too far away.

When I was a younger SM I provided more than I do now. Now, I mostly bring full kits as a judgment call, for ex when we are rehearsing off site (for one company, often an empty office space with no amenities of any kind). Otherwise, starting to feel like I shdn't have to donate a percentage of my salary to things that are really not my responsibility.


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #79 on: Apr 15, 2011, 04:42 am »

Also, as a male SM, do any of your female actors find it awkward coming to you for tampons if the need arises? I'm still working in a collegiate setting and am friends with most of the actors - male or female - and that seems to be somewhat of a personal thing. It really doesn't bother me, I just didn't know if there was another use for them.

I am a girl, but I can answer this question. The need for asking for a tampons may be a little embarrassing for some, but they do have another use. I learned from another SM that the tampons without the applicator (OB I believe is the brand) are great for a bloody nose. They are clean and sanitary right out of the package, which is better than standard tissue or paper towel and are meant to soak up blood. A little gross, or weird, but works.

I definitely used my kit in college because it was required by my class. Now, most theatres I have worked with provide a well stocked first aid kit at the very least. I have had props designers provide me with supplies to touch up paint on a prop or glue or something to fix a prop in case the need arises. Most professional spaces I have worked with have a stock SM kit that belongs to them with spike tape, gaff tape, glow tape, batteries, reading lights, highlighters, and general office supplies. If there is something missing, there is usually some sort of SM budget that I can buy what I need and then put the rest into the stock kit for future SMs

However, I have found that most theatres tend to stock Band aid brand items. I am allergic to latex and most band aid brand band aids are latex. I carry my own supply of fabric and non latex bandages and tape, gloves etc for myself or any other actor with a similar allergy.

Other more random supplies I like to keep on hand:
honey-good for a few things, sore throats and diabetic actors. They need sugar fast, and it's a natural and effective solution until you can get them to the hospital
sewing kits- nothing big, but hemming glue is useful, needles, couple colors of thread, scissors, and lots of safety pins
hair supplies: bobby pins and elastics bands
hot glue gun and super glue-during an intermission, I had an orchestra member come to me for super glue to repair his instrument. Would have been bad to not have him able to play in the second act!
I also carry a screw gun-there have been many occasions where I was glad I had this, but it might be overkill for most productions

More common items I carry:
multi tool
pencils (I was gifted some in bright, obnoxious colors with my name on them, I always get them back because of it!)
hold punch
alcohol pads

I have found that a full kit isn't always necessary, so I try to build my kit to the show and leave the majority of my supplies at home. I worked as an ASM once for a haunted house. I carried passport sized necklace I had filled with band-aids, alcohol pads, tweezers, gauze pads, spray antibacterial ointment, flashlight, batteries, advil and tylenol. We had a full first aid area with paramedics if needed, but for the most part actors would get splinters or small cuts that just needed to be doctored up a bit.

Once you know the show and the work involved and the supplies provided to you, it's easy to see if you need a full kit or just a few pieces.


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #80 on: Apr 27, 2011, 02:33 pm »
I totally agree with Matt, especially on the lower end of theater where there are no budgets for stage management. Years ago, I used to carry a rolling tool box full of equipment, office supplies, stapler, hole punch, portable hole punch, the backstage hand book, all assorted tools etc. because I knew these were things I needed (or could potentially need). But I found that people kept stealing  from the kit, or using and not replenishing. After working on 9 shows a year, I was sinking upwards of $300-$400 replacing things that had been taken or expendables that were used every year.

If a company were to ask me what's in my kit, I'll say it's dependent on what my stage manager budget is. I will provide things I own that I prefer (as Matt said) but if they expect me to have a portable hospital on me at all times, they need to budget for me purchasing a med kit from a pharmacy. I will carry with me the essentials to a rehearsal process (basic office supplies, and very basic medical supplies), but beyond that I'm not wasting my money on something that I'm not being repaid for.

Producers provide budgets for lighting, set, costume and sound designers to purchase and rent the equipment they need to do their jobs. The same should apply to stage management equipment.


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #81 on: Apr 27, 2011, 06:50 pm »
For many reasons, I also don't provide ANY medical supplies. 


The theatre needs to purchase and supply all of that.   It's just a liability issue I don't want to take on.  (Someone gets sick take an aspirin I bought . . . am I liable???)

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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #82 on: Apr 27, 2011, 07:27 pm »
For many reasons, I also don't provide ANY medical supplies. 


The theatre needs to purchase and supply all of that.   It's just a liability issue I don't want to take on.  (Someone gets sick take an aspirin I bought . . . am I liable???)

I had a production manager tell me in college to not administer any medication to anyone, period. If the medication expired or they reacted poorly and you gave it to someone, you are liable for their medical condition, or the company would be. People need to medicate their own dang selves! :-P

My medical basics are bandaids, medical grade gloves and a couple of sealed gauze pads. Only things that would be necessary quickly in case of a real emergency where going to find them could be a life or death decision. I carry pills with me at all times, but they are for myself.


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #83 on: Jul 19, 2011, 10:58 am »
We are told (by the British Red Cross) that we can give aspirin for a heart attack, but that's it. In reality, most people will not give something out if asked, but they will leave it on the side and turn their back for a minute or two.

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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #84 on: Jul 19, 2011, 11:56 am »
To be honest, I am yet to work in a venue or theatre without a fully stocked first-aid cupboard. In fact (us being a large, multi-room corporate venue) we have 6 portable first aid boxes in addition to the onsite first aid room. It is part of our risk assessment that any large show (more than 6 of our crew) must have a first aid box located in the room.

I still have my SM kit, sitting in storage back home - I have a desk now (which is really nice) which is fully stocked by my employer with the basics (even better) - about the only thing I have added is my scale ruler... That said, apparently blue pens have been on back order for over 3 weeks now - and the red pens are the rubbish BIC ones, so I will probably end up BYO pens...

I heartily agree with MatthewShiner - I now play by the "Your employing me, not my tools" - I no longer keep my few grand worth of tools on site - the only tools I keep now are 2 podgers, 2 Adjustable Spanners, a pair of gloves and my harness. I loan my podgers and AJ's out occasionally but the gloves and harness are for my comfort (and my use) only. 


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Re: What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #85 on: Nov 12, 2011, 03:20 pm »

NOOOoooooo...... Masking tape is EVIL! Especially the cheap kind. So many people use it for marking up cases and desks etc. WHITE ELECTRICAL TAPE + PERM. MARKER. Others use it for marking sets - SPIKE TAPE PEOPLE. I can see no other use for masking tape - except for set painting (when you need to mask whilst painting... and then you are better off using the expensive stuff.

HA! Now that I think of it, I haven't used masking tap since I was in middle school. Gaff is almost the simplest sign to determine if you're a 'theater person' or not. Once asked a roadie for some gaff because my shoe broke and he looked at me curious how the hell I knew what gaff was. :)


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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #86 on: Nov 12, 2011, 03:53 pm »
Oddly, was just told by my TD to use masking tape to cover up rough edges on wood . . .

no other tape would meet with her approval.

There is always a use for something.

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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #87 on: Nov 12, 2011, 04:38 pm »
I've been using masking tape to put labels on coffee mugs for rehearsals. Hey, it's lying around anyway, right?
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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #88 on: Nov 13, 2011, 09:50 am »
I've been using masking tape to put labels on coffee mugs for rehearsals. Hey, it's lying around anyway, right?

And so much cheaper than disposable cups!
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Re: [FAQ] What goes inside a SM Kit?
« Reply #89 on: Nov 27, 2012, 04:22 pm »
So I just finished reading this entire thread and got some really great ideas! A couple of you mentioned contacting manufacturers to see if they will send you free samples which I think is a great idea and would love to start doing. One person mentioned Ricola and I already sent them a message. Are there any other companies people have used before that I should contact? Thanks!

