I remember hearing about a document like that in the Bay Area. I'm going to ask my Liaison about it and post back.
Post Merge: Oct 17, 2013, 10:55 am
I checked with my Liaison for the SF Bay Area and this document is something created by each Liaison committee, and then approved by staff, VSM. For us, the file is called "Bay Area Producer Letter" - aka, the "How to Hire Me" letter. Since it's a locally made file, it's not available on the AEA website. Our Liaison hands out copies of the letter at our GM meetings.
For our area's version, we list 5 different options: Special Appearance, Guest Artist, Periodic Performance, our local contract: MBAT (levels 1 & 2) and the Bay Area Staged Reading. Each item explains - in a quick reference style - the basic rules for each contract (seating, performance max, health contributions -if any, etc).
Only under the MBAT listing do you see this language:
"Actors Salary is $xxx.00, for both Levels. An AEA Stage Manager is not required but Stage Managers weekly minimum salary for both Levels is $xxx.00, Assistant Stage Managers Weekly Minimum salary $xxx.00.
We aren't mentioned anywhere else in the document. It may be because actors tend to outnumber SMs when it comes to looking for work. Usually SMs aren't the ones on Special Appearance or Guest Artist contracts (I have had several Periodic Performance contracts). I am not familiar with your local contract offerings, but perhaps just suggest a sentence that mentions Stage Managers and what the minimum salary would be.
Another way you can take this: just get a copy of the file from your area Liaison and send it to a local non-AEA Producer you would like to work for. In the Bay Area, we are told to take this to Producers to tell them how easy it is to hire (and pay!) AEA members. It's up to the membership to get these non-AEA Producers on board, so be proactive, take the file to a potential producer and say, "This applies to me too! Hire me under an AEA contract."