this is funny- in my most recent show, everyone commented on how "weird" it was that I punch my script backwards, putting the text on the left LOL
I also make two different scripts - one for blocking, planning and notes, and a new, "clean and pretty" one to call from, that doesn't include blocking or prop notes (unless dealing with props is one of my jobs or if I discover a need to remind the run crew of something)
The other habit I have that seems to be oddball is that I don't use columns to separate light, sound and other tech cues. Instead, I surround the cue numbers with circles, squares and triangles, respectively, and then I re-write the word or action where the GO happens.
When there's time, I give a brief reminder of where "GO" is expected, for example, I might say "standby lights 25 and sound G, they'll be together on John's exit" - I suspect that I'm a good bit more conversational than is usual, but I don't know for sure. Literally all of my crew positions have been off-headset, or in a situation where the communication was an intercom, so there weren't individual cue calls, just signposts and emergencies.