Getting a director out of the booth - now there's a trick!
I have had directors who have notes up to and including closing show, going backstage and telling the actors things before I could get back there (booth being way far from the backstage). I have had directors who go into the dressing rooms all the way to the 5 call and after a show had to forcibly remove one so the girls could get out of costume and change into their regular clothes. It's a touchy situation - on one show, the cast loved the director and loved having him there, in the mix, down to the wire and afterward, so getting him to leave the actors alone was delicate and difficult, and not always successful. On another, the director was a hyphenate - as in, writer-producer-actor-director and I had to find tasks to keep him away from the actors at intermission and post show while they changed.
One theater brought the director back in to work w the u/s and replacements because they didn't understand that this was part of a SM's gig (incidentally, a part I love) - and had never had an SM who knew that or was capable. Fortunately, the director knew the drill and that I could do this, and he was gracious abt my presence and skills - we worked it out that I gave our replacement the blocking (she didn't know how to do her own....!!!) and he did 2 rehearsals with her, and I did the rest so there would be no question that when I gave her notes after shows, they were valid.
Let's just say it can be a creative challenge....