Onstage > Stage Management: Plays & Musicals

JOB DESCRIPTION: Online readings


I have been hired to SM online events using Streamyard. There has also been a technician hired to run the actual tech. Has anyone worked on an online event with a technician? How did you do that? How did you go about a clear com and what was your role. The event will only have two people on it so it would have been easy for me to just run the tech so I am unsure what my role should look like now. Any advice would be very helpful

Edited to add topic tag - Maribeth

Michelle R. Wood:
My online show had me running all the tech (with a consultant to help me learn the tools), so would love to hear anyone chime in on how actually calling an online event would work.

Year of the Stage Manager (YOSM) has a Facebook page that has a LOT of info.
Also the Stage Managers Association.
TONS of info out there my friends!

USITT hosted a series of webinars about producing online performances...If you are a member, you can look it up in their online catalog of content. It was called Lessons Learned, and was a series of 3 discussions about how 2 different companies produced online shows.

(There are tons of informational videos available to members there if you're looking for something to do!)

TYA/USA is offering a free-to-all webinar next Monday called "Creating Immersive Theater for Families Online: Behind the Scenes of THE WIZARDS OF OAKWOOD DRIVE with La Jolla Playhouse". You can register on their website for the link.


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