Author Topic: FORMS: Mic Plot help  (Read 7640 times)

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FORMS: Mic Plot help
« on: Jun 15, 2014, 01:42 pm »
I need to make a mic plot for a production of King Lear. There are a total of 16 actors and 14 wireless mics, but because of the sound equipment only 6 mics can be patched into it at a time. (6 available channels)

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make a mic plot for this kind of situation? 

Edited to add topic tag. - Maribeth
« Last Edit: Jun 15, 2014, 10:45 pm by Maribeth »
"On the first day the lord said....Light cue 1, GO! Then there was light".


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Re: Mic Plot help
« Reply #1 on: Jun 15, 2014, 04:09 pm »
Take a look at the Body Mic Schedule in the Excel format in the Forms Section. That should give you a good starting point.


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Re: FORMS: Mic Plot help
« Reply #2 on: Jun 18, 2014, 12:31 pm »
In general, when I'm making a new form, I start with what factors are important. In this case:

Actor name (or character name)
Mic pack #
Channel #

Next, I consider what the purpose of the form is. Is it the running paperwork for the sound guy? If so, I'd probably make a running list-style form to have at the board. Is it for the backstage crew and will be posted on the wall for "quick glance" access? If so, I might make something more like a chart, possibly color coded.

Then I work through the show in order, plugging in the information as I learn it. Again, depending on what the purpose of the paperwork is, you can then add or subtract info as needed. (Page #, timestamp, notes column, cue for repatching, etc) Once I've done a first draft, it's easy to change it if I don't like the format.

Alternatively, you can take another form you have that serves a similar purpose, and modify it to fit your needs. (A costume plot could be modified to track body mics).


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Re: FORMS: Mic Plot help
« Reply #3 on: Jun 18, 2014, 02:10 pm »
This is oversimplified, but: You can also hand this all off to the sound op - since that's their job. You know who speaks when, but they assign mics and swaps and packs, so they can do the paperwork once you tell them who needs to be heard at what times.

Unless I am the one running the board, I don't need to know which channel player X is in, only that player X has a pack and is singing in the chorus or player Y has a solo, and I have relayed that to my sound person.

[on edit] if this is for a class assignment, peruse the forms available on this site, but be sure to give credit where credit is due!
« Last Edit: Jun 18, 2014, 02:17 pm by loebtmc »