Author Topic: WORK/LIFE BALANCE: How to tell the Producer not to contact you on Monday?...  (Read 9613 times)

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(...unless it's an emergency, of course)

"I know it's your day off, but..."
It's Monday, and I've been fielding texts, all day, from my producer, in regards to a performer who felt ill during yesterday's shows. mostly, I've just been a forwarding service, passing the producer's texts on to the performer in question, and the performer's texts back to the producer.

They could easily just text or call each other. Then, call me if the show ends up needing some sort of adjustment.

I don't mind being contacted about time-sensitive things for which I'm the only resource, but this is a ridiculous amount of playing telephone for a minor illness that did not and probably will not affect performances.

I'm maybe a little sensitive about my time off, right now; I haven't had a vacation in 9 months, the current show is an absolute beast with a stupid-long run, and I'm getting married in less than three weeks. So I am a little on edge.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to ask not to be disturbed for this sort of thing on my day off.
I just have no idea HOW to go about communicating that. Any advice, my dear colleagues?

Edited to add topic tag- Maribeth
« Last Edit: Jun 05, 2018, 08:29 pm by Maribeth »
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Re: How to tell the Producer not to contact you on Monday?...
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2018, 10:41 pm »
"Hey x... Please take this as it is intended, but can you please try to avoid calling me on a Monday - unless you need something urgently sorted for Tuesday? I am a bit sensitive about my time off at the moment because life is a bit hectic. I am happy for you to contact performers directly if you need to deal with an issue regarding illnesses and absence and just send me a summary after the fact - that will probably make your life easier as well. Let me know if you need me to provide an updated contact list to you"

Be honest, and just express it. Without knowing your producer, they probably think they are doing the right thing keeping you in the loop.


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Re: How to tell the Producer not to contact you on Monday?...
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 09:49 am »
Be honest, and just express it. Without knowing your producer, they probably think they are doing the right thing keeping you in the loop.

Agreed. Honesty is the solution to most problems.

I know the experience, Tempest, as I am also essentially "on call" for issues and solutions, due to necessity. I try and set the tone before my days off, even if it's with "I'll talk to you on Tuesday" or even saying "I'm not really available for quick responses on _____ day, so email would be best for updates or questions."

