I've gotten most of my events from the producing company directly. Look into local event production companies - you might find them under party planning, events, talent, or even by researching the society pages of the local paper. There are usually a few of these companies in any mid-sized city. I send them my resume with the standard follow-up. They might also hire non-union stagehands (read: brute labor) for their events, and they usually pay fairly well. You could also go to a local event venue (museums, the convention center, etc) and ask around to see who the event companies are that produce there. Or just contact major event-throwers directly (big hospitals, political parties, the local opera/symphony) and tell them that you are available for hire. For event work, I usually have had to go straight to the source - it's a bit of pavement-pounding, but it can pay off. A final thought - municipal gigs (city-produced concerts, events, etc.) are awesome - they usually pay extremely well and have ample staff and planning behind them.