1) Thou shall not be late; for once you are late, you loose all ability to chatise others for being late.
2) Thou shall not lie; for once you lie about something you loose all crediability.
3) Thou shall not pass the buck; remember, the buck should stop with you.
4) Thou shall not show up to work drunk.
5) Thou shall not sleep with a cast member (for that is just a messy situation to deal with).
6) Thou shall not let your script be out of date; woe is the day an actor calls for a line, and you do not have a current copy of the script.
7) Thou shall not be distracted in the booth; for it is a sad day indeed that you miss a cue due a fact you are playing your gameboy.
Thou shall not hit your actors with a 2 x 4, for tho there is no rule against it in the Equity Rule Book, it is still frowned upon greatly.
9) Thou shall not argue with the director in front of actors; it just makes everyone feel unformtable.
10) Thou shall never loose thy temper, throw off your headsets and yell "TAKE THIS DAMN SHOW AND SHOVE IT TO HIGH HELL" in the middle of a complicated calling sequence. It's just not nice.