Author Topic: Profile options for registered members  (Read 21908 times)

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Profile options for registered members
« on: Feb 21, 2010, 09:54 pm »
You may have noticed that certain members have extra text beneath their usernames in their posts.  All registered members have the ability to add this text if they choose.  They are all optional for existing members, however, new members are required to select their Experience level.

You can set the following SMNetwork specific options by going to the Profile tab above, and then choosing "Forum Profile" from the menu.

  • Affiliations: This is for listing your union memberships and memberships in professional societies such as the SMA.  Whatever you type here will show up under your username with every post.
  • Current Gig: The production you're working on now, including the company if you choose.  Whatever you type here will show up under your username with every post.  (In other words, if you're going to be discussing show-confidential stuff, use discretion in how much you reveal about your current gig.)
  • Kit List: This one does NOT show up with your posts.  However, it is visible for individuals who browse your user profile.  List what you keep in your kit.
  • Experience: Indicate what type of production you normally work on - high school, college, community, professional.  This one is very helpful to other posters, as different levels of productions require different types of advice.  Your experience level DOES show up with every post.