I got a happy stage management memory today! (although it made me worry that one of my actresses had been 'neglected' by her SM in the past).
We were doing heavy blocking, changing this, switching that, just playing with getting around the space before we settled on the blocking for the scene, and all the different versions of the directions the director was throwing out there somehow got muddled when my actress transcribed them to her script. She said she was confused and asked me what the blocking we had decided on was.
"Well, you get up on this line, pace SR, check out the door, come back SC just below the bench while he gets up and orates SL. He'll circle back towards you C during his speech, and you escape US of the bench towards SL on this other line," I rattled off immediately, glancing at my script.
She stared at me in openmouthed astonishment and then looked at our director and said in deadpan, "She's good!"
Jeff grinned at me and said, "Yes, she sure is!"
While it feels REALLY good to be impressing my cast and director (and actually being appreciated daily!) with my abilities so early in the process, I'm worried about what SMs they've had before me! I consider everything I do as BASIC SM duties, and apparently, my predecessors haven't been fulfilling them!!! My poor cast, director and crew!