Author Topic: Admin Leave of Absence, September 2008  (Read 21861 times)

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Admin Leave of Absence, September 2008
« on: Jul 26, 2008, 10:56 pm »
OK, dear members, I have been patrolling the site and making tiny tweaks every day with very little pause since mid 2005.  I will be taking a long overdue break from SMNet during the month of September.  I will set the new trivia tournament for the month and then be absent from the site (but not from the web) for a month. 

Your trusty staff of moderators will be able to handle nearly everything that I normally handle during my absence, with a few exceptions:

1. Deleting accounts/banning people.
2. Adding new features to the site.
3. Altering the news ticker at the top of the site.

Moderators will have access to me by phone in case of emergency.