So we upgraded the forum software. I've held off on doing it for over 2 years now as it's a hefty amount of work and will take all of us some getting used to, but it needed to be done before I could add any other new features.
There are new features coming down the pipe on top of this layout shift, but for now, let's just get used to this.
Things you will want to take note of:
1. Community Guidelines and Rules have been moved to the "Site Rules" link in the navigation bar. This does not mean you can ignore them.
2. There are several new layout templates. Feel free to swap about and find stuff, but don't be surprised if you wind up reset back to the forum default (this blue stuff) periodically until we figure out what we're doing.
3. Moderators, a lot of stuff will change, feel free to poke at it. Members, if a moderator does wrong by you over the next week or so, please bear with them, there's a lot more changes on the back end than on the front end with this software upgrade.
4. There is now a warning system. If you misbehave repeatedly, moderators have a right to give you a public warning. Too many warnings and you will automatically lose the ability to post for 48 hours. I doubt this will be a problem for most.
5. Double posts are now automatically merged if you post twice in 48 hours with nobody in between.
6. Links database is on hiatus at the moment, there's a new spiffy version coming soon.
7. Clickable links are no longer permitted in signatures.
8. You can now preview how your post will look while typing it by clicking the "toggle view" button in the posting window.
If you find other new and cool stuff, please let us know in the Green room.
I'd recommend you guys take a moment and peek about in your profiles, there are some nice new options available to you that should make the transition a lot more fun.
Stay tuned for more changes over the next few months as I get around to them.