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Messages - iamchristuffin

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
Tools of the Trade / Re: Useful iPhone apps?
« on: Aug 24, 2010, 06:04 pm »
Anyone else finding the ability to create folders on your iPhone now a little too addicting?

YES! Pretty much every app I have is now in a folder! I was shocked and ashamed to realise I have 6 full folders of games!  :-[


Tools of the Trade / Re: Excel tips
« on: Aug 21, 2010, 05:48 pm »
... automatic colour coding...

Do you know how to do this in earlier versions than Excel 2003?


I don't usually wear gloves at all - I find it harder to 'feel' the line, and it often feels like the rope is slipping when it isn't. I would rather have to use a lot of hand cream than be scared every time I flew something.

I don't know if it's the same in the US/On Broadway, but in the West End over here most shows add practical jokes, either to the final performance or a 'Muck-Up Matinee'. The sheer number of Avid Musical Fans/Stage Door-ers who come and see a show 4 or 5 times for a cast often come to the last performance purely to see the practical jokes, and say goodbye to the cast in their own way. As an example, when the cast of Wicked last changed (back in May this year), the writing on Dr. Dillamond's blackboard was changed from 'Animals should be seen and not heard' to 'Oh Shiz!'. As fair as I know, no one complained, and it generated huge laughter from the audience.


My thoughts are based on a few assumptions - if some of these don't apply, I'm sorry!!

First, I would hope and assume that most people in the cast get on. In this day and age, that means adding each other on Facebook. Then, one would assume the person who has uploaded the photos would tag the correct people in the photos. Once the person/ people in the photo's see them, they can always de-tag themselves or ask for the photos to be removed. Job done, self-regulation!

However, if the photo's aren't being removed, then maybe (only if the people involved speak to you about it) you could have a word with the photographer.



Tools of the Trade / Re: Paperless World
« on: Jun 29, 2010, 06:32 pm »
Hi Becky,

How about a different take on Google Docs - a website that requires a username/password that you would assign to everyone, and on this website is essentially a server where Word/Excel/whatever documents are downloaded and uploaded by anyone? You could then give different groups of people different permissions - i.e. actors can view call times but can't upload a new one, etc.

Just a quick thought I had



If all the world's a stage, why does the show start so early??

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Re: Contact Info?
« on: Feb 01, 2010, 07:43 am »
It's a long shot, but you could try email/ringing the Promoters and explaining your situation, and see what they suggest.


Do you mean a prompt desk (as we call it in the UK)?

If so, surely it's best to design one to your needs - someone could have needed 20 cue lights, paging to 12 different parts of Backstage and FOH, 3 monitors, 4 clocks, a speaker, a computer and space for a script, but unless you also need all that, then it's going to be really overkill.

However, most I've seen have about 12-16 cue lights, a paging mic (to either Backstage or FOH or both), space for a script and storage. Maybe a monitor is built in, but some just have them sat on top.


The Green Room / Re: Trivia Tournament II: Electric Boogaloo
« on: Dec 11, 2009, 05:55 pm »
No, mine were all US related, and I'm from the UK! I guessed all but one of them, so I'm pretty happy with my score of 560-something


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