Stage Management: Plays & Musicals / Lights? Electrics? Elex? What do you say?
« on: Oct 16, 2004, 02:11 am »
Electrics always seems like a mouthful to me, like you said. I just took over calling a show for someone else who does say L-X (or Elex), which she was taught by a lighting designer........I myself prefer to simply say Lights...though the only time i had confusion was on one show I also had to call mics for. Aha. You see why. I think I eventually said audio or sound instead of that, even though it wasn't for true sound cues. That said, that's only been once in my life, and also for the same reasons you mentioned, I usually letter the sound cues (and for that one show, we lettered the mics, as well, trying to utilize all letters that sound different (i.e., not B, C and D unless it was people who ALWAYS sang at the same time, but used things like A, B, F, I, U, and X.