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Messages - Katie ~

Pages: [1] 2
Uploaded Forms / Re: Entrances and Exits Tracking
« on: Jun 25, 2011, 12:02 pm »
Here's my version of a French Scene Breakdown. I like this cause its colorful and it limits the page numbers.

Have you thought about using any of them as wardrobe crew?

There is no real wardrobe. =/ It's a I Act. and only one character changes, and he just puts on a shirt and real pants in the "bathroom"...and then comes right back on.

I would meet with the prof of the stagecraft class and let him/her know that you have too many crew.  I'd imagine that some of the bigger shows are hurting for crew - my experience in these types of settings is that the most crew sign up for the least demanding show as it's much easier.  Chances are they could re-assign a good number of those crew to a bigger show where the help will not be wasted.
There are no other shows that the college is putting on right now, unfortunately.

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Re: Tech Rehearsal
« on: Oct 02, 2008, 03:40 pm »
The way I prefer is to go Cue to Cue.
I have my list from the lighting designer.
If there is a scene with a lot of cues I'll have them run the scene, freeze when necessary and then move on when we can.

Tech is for the Tech Crew...not for the actors.
But if possible, after we do the cue to cue I like to run it once after with stops.


I am Stage Managing a play called "Grandma Duck is Dead" at my community College and as part of the program the students from the Stage Craft class can choose to work the show or do shop hours.

Grandma Duck is a I Act and most of the props used are on stage.
I have 9 people that signed up to run crew. Two will go to light board and sound.
What should I do with the other 7!?

Any advice?

College and Graduate Studies / Re: Is an AA degree enough?
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 05:13 pm »
Just enough to get a job as a Stage Manager...
I'm sure that its what I want to do.

Would I be at a disadvantage within job interviews if I only had an AA instead of a BA or BFA?

College and Graduate Studies / Is an AA degree enough?
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 03:04 pm »
I'm graduating with an AA degree in Theatre from Santa Fe College in FL.

Is this enough of a education, or should I be looking into a University Education after?

Anyone have opinions on this school?

I'm thinking about attending it after my 2 years at Santa Fe College in FL

I say,

Standby Q 143
They reply: Q 143 standing by

then I say,
"Lights Go!"

on the "ga" of Go...they should hit the button

Completely outside of the Theatre world:  a friend called and asked my help for her wedding.  It was outdoors and the wedding party dressing area was a 10 minute walk from the ceremony area.  She (the bride) asked me to be on walkies to cue the wedding party when the guests had all arrived and cue the musicians when the groom's party was in view to start the wedding music.  They specifically asked me (as opposed to lots of other friends--mostly actors) because they knew I would stage manage their wedding just as efficiently as I would do any show.

damn! you stole mine! I was gonna say that you can stage manage a wedding!

Not gonna lie..
My backup plan for life is being a wedding planner.

Students and Novice Stage Managers / Writing Standbys & Cues
« on: May 13, 2008, 12:38 pm »
How do you write standbys & cues down?

I'm stage managing my first show and although I've had a lot of ASM experience, I don't really know how to write down standby's or cues in a professional manner..

Can someone help me?

College and Graduate Studies / Re: Colleges in the South
« on: Mar 19, 2008, 11:24 pm »
Well it's also a little farther away from home than I'd like.
My family lives in Gainesville...soo..yeah.
I'd like to keep it to under a 8 hour drive to see them as much as possible.

College and Graduate Studies / Re: Colleges in the South
« on: Mar 19, 2008, 12:10 am »
really bad city. really heavy with crime.
My mother would kill me off rather than have me live there.

College and Graduate Studies / Colleges in the South
« on: Mar 18, 2008, 02:24 pm »
I'm currently attending Santa Fe Community College...which has a good technical theatre program to start out with.
I'm in my first year, but I've started looking for a 4 year college to move onto.

I'd really like something in FL.
I don't want anything in Miami.
If you could help me out, that'd be great!


I have a story.

First time I was on run crew...I wasn't even sure what I had signed myself on for when I agreed...and I totally didn't realize the importance of black.
So I wore the only sneakers I had...which were white.
The stage manager...(a guy with an interesting attitude) noticed one day and threw me the gaff tape and told me to tape my shoes black.
I did.
Both shoes....covered in tape.
He came back.
Looked at my shoes and started laughing.
Apparently it's customary to initiate new crew members in a way that shows them just how little they know about stage crew.

Backstage has always appealed to me more than the booth.
If something goes wrong then you're there and can be hands on with the situation.

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