« on: Jan 17, 2014, 01:33 pm »
I worked on a show using the UK system of SM->DSM->ASMs (I was the SM). (7 people total)
The DSM and one of the ASMs were on show call rotation. I and another ASM were on deck SM rotation. Other ASMs would run backstage ASM tracks on a rotating basis.
My admin SM duties were fairly intense in terms of scheduling, meetings, ongoing production updates/rehearsals/cast changes, etc. I handled payroll reports/time sheets for the SM team and cast (large cast including swings/covers etc all receiving cover pay AND people on reduced tracks). I would try to take 1 day per week on desk duty (usually a 2 show day).
My backstage track involved:
-Checking with all departments, confirming preset and opening the house
-Being the "eyes" on deck for scene shifts, automation, acrobatics, etc.
-Calling clears and cues as necessary (calling "offstage" cues like moves to presets for scenery and aerial acts)
-Most importantly- serving as the primary point of contact in case of ANY emergency (show stop or no show stop)
At times it does feel like a glorified ASM track with very little to do. Until something big happens and then I am really glad to be there and be available and ready to step in and deal with a situation.