A little background.
I am the SM at a community theatre that has been around for many years (I think 1982 was our first production). I got interested in acting and finally SM while seeing shows here. They are just amazing in my own opinion. Everyone at the theatre is volunteer (except for Exec Dir and about 4 part-time box office staff).
This is my first show as SM and I am truly loving the experience. I feel much better suited for SM than actor!
This is my issue, we have a large number of teenagers as actors on this show (Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe). We have been blocked for a few weeks, and we've been running the show in rehearsals. Blocking is great, the fight scenes are amazing (as the SM in charge of making sure the actors are safe, they scare me, so I guess that is good), the set is amazing. The PROBLEM, energy and motivation at this point. I am getting too many people texting me the day of saying they can't make rehearsal for some silly reason. I am having a hard time getting their energy up when they do come to rehearsal. We open on December 4th, and I'm worried that we won't give our already 100% sold out run a GREAT show.
How do you help actors keep their energy and excitement up for a show? Are their any activities or fun things any of you have done in the past that has helped. How do you keep a volunteer group motivated and keep them wanting to show up every night?
I don't expect a lot, I just want them there at rehearsals. I spend 4 hours a night M-F and about 8 hours on Saturday and at least an hour or two on Sunday (props, prep for the week, etc) getting the show ready. Why can't they do 3 hours a night only?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Edited to add that most of the actors are amazing! They are there early and ready to go on time and never miss a rehearsal! It's just a number of them that are giving me minor twitches behind my eye.