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Messages - pmooney

Pages: [1]
Stage Management: Other / Re: Backstage at the Nutcracker
« on: Dec 21, 2010, 11:24 pm »
My only gig is to work as a volunteer with a youth ballet and we just finished our Nutcracker with a cast of 90 kids ages 6 through 18 with a few adults as the party parents and Drosselmeyer of course. even my crew was made up mostly of teen and college age kids. We rehearse in our own building and thats when we have most of our behavior problems but when we get in to the theater we have only one day for dress rehearsal and then three performances over the weekend those kids are great! I am always so proud of them!

EDIT: Profanity check - PSMK

If you see me moving down the hallway at a good clip with a determined or urgent look in my eyes.....GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY PLEASE!!!!

The Green Room / Re: I can't believe I just had to do that...
« on: Oct 28, 2010, 11:16 pm »
This year, since I don't have much to do during second act, I'm taking my second turn at being the lower half of Mother Ginger in our production of the Nutcracker! The worst part is not being able to see anything and worrying about running over the little Bon Bons!

how about use the squeeze bulb in the razor with gel blood, but also have the victim fitted with a bladder of blood with a tube or two running up to the throat that when the victim squeezes the bladder, blood spurts or sprays out from the throat and the razor has left a nice red line across the throat simulating the cut

EDIT: cleaned up double post - PSMK

Tools of the Trade / Re: Fog machine recommendations?
« on: Oct 19, 2010, 11:48 am »
Yeah that is a very cool machine but way out of my budget constraints. This is only our third year and being a nonprofit group, accumulating equipment like that is out of the question. I wanted to stay under $500 if I could as we like to focus as much on the dancers as possible. I can build chillers very little money that I hope will work sufficiently well. I was looking at maybe buying 2 Chauvet Hurricane 1300s as they are supposed to put out 20,000 cfm's, but as all self ratings I don't know how well I can trust those numbers.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Fog machine recommendations?
« on: Oct 15, 2010, 01:56 pm »
I would like it to be from one to two feet deep some of these little girls are pretty short, I don't want to loose them in the fog. I can calculate the cubic footage but I just don't know how accurate the cfm ratings ore on the machines. If its like mpg ratings on new cars then it wont be too accurate. do you think one from each side of the stage would be best? In the past we fogged for this scene before the curtain opened (between the curtain and a scrim) from the center of the stage then removed the machine and chiller but i was not happy with the results, this time we have changed the scene and have no scrim plus the scene lasts longer and I want the fog to be on stage longer.

Tools of the Trade / Re: Fog machine recommendations?
« on: Oct 15, 2010, 01:41 pm »
55' x 35'

Tools of the Trade / Re: Fog machine recommendations?
« on: Oct 15, 2010, 01:28 pm »
I am a rookie if not a rank ameture so if you could recommend how many cfm the unit should put out? Do you make your own dry ice fogger or is there a kit I have seen some designs on line that seem easy to put together but very bulky and not a lot of info as to how much dry ice to use and the heating of the water seems like could be an issue. I have heard of systems that spray water on the ice  but have not seen plans for them.

Tools of the Trade / Fog machine recommendations?
« on: Oct 15, 2010, 12:12 pm »
I know a lot of people like to make ther own dry ice foggers but I have ballet dancers and our artistic director is worried that it will leave condensation on the floor causing a potential for a slip. Does anyone want to recommend a brand and size fog machine for a full size stage. I have an angels scene so I need low fog so will use a chiller but I want to fill the whole stage.

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