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Messages - adam.chamness

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Students and Novice Stage Managers / Re: Perfectionism
« on: Oct 15, 2020, 01:44 pm »
Although I am not very versed in stage management, I can say that I have a lot of experience with being a perfectionist in a collaborative work environment. In the past when I've been in positions in which I have more experience and authority than some of those working with me (similar to the relationship between an SM and ASMs), I have also found it difficult to give jobs to people for fear of having the jobs completed inadequately without my supervision. One of the biggest things I've done to overcome this is that I've made it very clear to those that I am working with that if they have any questions about anything, or perhaps need directions repeated, or require a more detailed explanation of something, they can always come to me. It doesn't completely reduce my anxiety that some jobs will still be done incorrectly, but it does provide me some comfort in knowing that they will be less likely to attempt something they don't know how to do, which significantly reduces the potential for things to be done incorrectly. The only problem with this is that I become busier than I would otherwise be, since I have to take the time to answer questions and re-explain things. However, since I was already of the mindset that I may as well do everyone's work myself, I am by comparison much less busy than I could be. It also gives those I'm working with an opportunity to learn and improve more efficiently rather than through trial and error. Things will get done correctly the first time, though at a bit of a slower rate. In the future though, these same people will be very unlikely to make the same mistake again. So in the long run, it's a much more efficient process, I would say. I can't be certain that this will work with ASMs, nor can I guarantee that they will have the humility to come to you with their questions (some people just won't ask for help when they need it), but it's certainly a start.

I'm sorry I couldn't provide a more specific suggestion, but I hope this helps at least a little bit!

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