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Messages - TheatreBuff

Pages: [1]
College and Graduate Studies / Grad School Application
« on: Feb 03, 2015, 09:18 pm »
After 6 years in community theatre, I decided that I want more out of stage management and thought that grad school would be a great help. I did have a question, and it would probably sound a bit stupid, but I was asked to submit a resume "and any other materials" via e-mail. I could imagine these "other materials" could include reference letters and the like. However, part of me thinks that I should submit examples of my work, but what? And how could that be done electronically?

Employment / Kinda at a crossroads
« on: Jan 05, 2012, 12:08 pm »
So this will be sort of a two-part question. For the last five years I've been working my way through the community theatre scene here in Denver as a stage manager. It's been difficult at times, as many theatres I've found are a lot more eager to go with SMs that they've worked with before (and understandably so, just makes it tough for a relatively newcomer like me to break in). I feel that I've reached the point where I need to move on to something bigger. I've been contacting various rep theatres across the country trying to get into their internship programs. I feel that I've been overlooked though. Thus comes my quandry: what can I do to spice up my resume in order to get at least a small increase in my chances? And is continuing to work in community theatre the right move, at least until I get an offer from a rep theatre?

Oh, and one last, semi-related question: Due to various circumstances during college I had to forego employment during college in order for me to get my good grades (3.6 cumulative, but the no job was because of my bad ADHD). So stage management is pretty much the only experience I have. What other sort of jobs can I go after where that sort of experience is a plus?

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