« on: Apr 18, 2014, 12:42 pm »
I experienced the exact same situation with EMC and LORT. The theatre I worked at has two stages--one is LORT C and the other is LORT D, so neither one require an Equity ASM. After looking through the LORT rulebook and calling Equity, it was confirmed for me that the ruling is that if there is NOT an Equity ASM on contract for the production, NO EMC points can be earned. Just to outline the rule in its entirety:
Rule 39 (C)(6) When there is a separate Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager for
the production, one production assistant may earn EMC credit assisting the
Stage Manager and one production assistant may earn EMC credit assisting the
Assistant Stage Manager. Credit shall be earned only in those weeks in which
the production assistant is at all times either directly assisting or assigned by the
Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager in the performance of his stage
managerial functions. This provision does not apply where the Stage Managers
cross over in accordance with Rule 64(B)(6).
The tricky thing is in the wording separate Stage Manager AND Assistant Stage Manager. The funny thing is this theatre confirmed for me that I would be able to earn the points but sure enough, my EMC paperwork for both shows got returned.
Keep in mind that there is also a limit with this rule. When an AEA ASM is contracted on the production, even if there are four production assistants on the show, ONLY TWO of them get the weeks--1 for assisting the SM, and 1 for assisting the ASM. Now a couple of summers ago, I was a Production Assistant for a LORT D theatre that did two shows in rotating rep and had to have an AEA ASM. I was one of four PA's---two of us were already enrolled in EMC and the other two wanted to use those shows to enroll in EMC. Me and my friend got the EMC weeks but the other two had their EMC paperwork and their $100 returned.
I hope this clears things up if only a little.