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Messages - XanderQCall

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The Green Room / Re: How to be a good stage manager?
« on: Aug 12, 2014, 03:05 pm »
It may be just me, but I find the part about "think of the ASM as Assistant to the Stage Manager" a little insulting. The ASM is an integral part of the SM team and go-to person for all things backstage and that "to the" kind of belittles the position, makes it sound more like a go-fer who runs errands for the stage manager than the stage manager's right hand.

The Green Room / Re: Mini Rant---SM T-shirts and products
« on: Jun 17, 2014, 10:59 am »
I found this thread quite interesting which prompts me to just throw it out there: What would your ideal SM T-Shirt be if you could make one?---GO!!

"Hold please."

The Green Room / Re: Signs You're a SM
« on: Jun 09, 2014, 07:34 pm »
I was sitting in a restaurant waiting to pick up some food I had ordered. There were a series of brick steps near me and I noticed multiple people kept tripping on the same step. My first impulse was to get some white gaff and tape that step.

Employment / Applying for AEA Positions W/O Being AEA
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:45 pm »
Please forgive me is this seems like a silly question but I am curious about if anyone has ever applied for an AEA position without actually being AEA? I have gathered from some of the "How I Got My Card" threads that the trend is just working your way up at a theatre to the point where they decide to put you on an AEA contract. My apologies if this is just a crazy thing to inquire about. Thank you!

The Hardline / Re: AEA ASM & EMC
« on: Apr 18, 2014, 12:42 pm »
I experienced the exact same situation with EMC and LORT. The theatre I worked at has two stages--one is LORT C and the other is LORT D, so neither one require an Equity ASM. After looking through the LORT rulebook and calling Equity, it was confirmed for me that the ruling is that if there is NOT an Equity ASM on contract for the production, NO EMC points can be earned. Just to outline the rule in its entirety:

Rule 39 (C)(6) When there is a separate Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager for
the production, one production assistant may earn EMC credit assisting the
Stage Manager and one production assistant may earn EMC credit assisting the
Assistant Stage Manager. Credit shall be earned only in those weeks in which
the production assistant is at all times either directly assisting or assigned by the
Stage Manager or Assistant Stage Manager in the performance of his stage
managerial functions. This provision does not apply where the Stage Managers
cross over in accordance with Rule 64(B)(6).

The tricky thing is in the wording separate Stage Manager AND Assistant Stage Manager. The funny thing is this theatre confirmed for me that I would be able to earn the points but sure enough, my EMC paperwork for both shows got returned. 

Keep in mind that there is also a limit with this rule. When an AEA ASM is contracted on the production, even if there are four production assistants on the show, ONLY TWO of them get the weeks--1 for assisting the SM, and 1 for assisting the ASM. Now a couple of summers ago, I was a Production Assistant for a LORT D theatre that did two shows in rotating rep and had to have an AEA ASM. I was one of four PA's---two of us were already enrolled in EMC and the other two wanted to use those shows to enroll in EMC. Me and my friend got the EMC weeks  but the other two had their EMC paperwork and their $100 returned.

I hope this clears things up if only a little.

The Hardline / Re: How to join AEA
« on: Apr 16, 2014, 01:48 pm »

I think the only one that is incorrect is the first one--I believe you have to be signed to an AEA contract to join--you cannot just join whenever.

Do these ways seem correct? What other ways can one join AEA?

EDIT: Formatting - PSMK

Employment / Re: Putting ASM on Resume at Equity Theatre
« on: Apr 16, 2014, 11:39 am »
Thank you Matthew!! That's what I figured but I wanted to be sure. I will try and re-word things along what you have suggested.

I had quick question to follow-up on a post I made previously. The consensus seems that stage management does not post contact sheets on the callboard. However, as far as distribution do you include a hard copy of the contact sheet in actor packets? I have worked with a stage manager who never distributes hard copies of the contact sheet and only e-mails it to the people who need it. Thoughts?

Employment / Putting ASM on Resume at Equity Theatre
« on: Apr 16, 2014, 11:08 am »
Good Morning Stage Managers!!
I just wanted to pick your brains about something. I have done a couple of shows at a LORT C theatre under the title of "Head Production Assistant." The reason we are given this title is because the LORT rulebook defines "Assistant Stage Manager" as a member of Equity even though we perform all of the assistant stage managerial duties. Should just leave the Production Assistant" title on my resume instead of changing it to Assistant Stage Manager so it's not misleading or should the focus be on the fact that I was hired and worked in an ASM capacity?

Good Afternoon Fellow Stage Managers!!
I had a question. I know that there are some AEA contracts that have a section devoted to the Callboard and what needs to be posted and AEA marks certain documents as "PLEASE POST." As a non-AEA SM,  I am used to posting the contact sheet on the callboard for easy access and having hard copies of it in the actor packets for first rehearsal.  However, when I do PA work at the LORT theatre here in town, the PSM does NOT post the contact sheet and does not distribute hard copies; it's done through e-mail only and any updates/changes she sends out. Is this typical procedure? I understand considering the nature who might be involved on a production (you wouldn't want to post or distribute a contact sheet with Neil Patrick Harris's cell on it) but I was curious about your experience with this. Thanks!!

Post Merge: Feb 26, 2014, 02:54 pm
And of course I find a link to this very topic after I hit POST.

The Hardline / Re: Going Equity 'Young'
« on: Feb 14, 2014, 04:25 pm »
It really comforts me to have read so many threads talking about going Equity. I have been a non-union stage manager in the same city for five years. I got my M.F.A in stage management here and I have worked at most of the major AEA houses as a PA and stage managed for several local theatre companies. I started EMC in 2011 and by the end of March I will have five weeks left in the program. I won't lie, it's a scary thing. Not only wondering if the theatres who enjoy working with you are willing to offer you an Equity contract but also the changes that will come with being union. I have a mixture of LORT, SPT, and TYA contract rules in my head but knowing the rules is not the same as having the opportunity to apply them. I am 29 and will turn the big 3-0 in March with hopefully an AEA card on the horizon. While you can do all the research, make a pros and cons list (because we just love lists don't we) at the end of the day, it's a leap of faith.

Employment / Separate SM Resume
« on: Dec 03, 2013, 06:04 pm »
Hey Fellow Stage Managers! Quick question!
I am revising my resume to incorporate a couple more shows and I was just wondering if it would be better if I just had a resume for for just "Stage Management" instead of the one I currently have which has productions I have stage managed, assistant stage managed, served as  production assistant. Thoughts? Thank you!!

The Hardline / New EMC Rule
« on: Nov 23, 2013, 07:20 pm »
I ran into a friend of mine who is an Equity actor and we got into a discussion about EMC. He told me that AEA had just created a rule that if an EMC hits their 50 weeks in the middle of contract, that they have to be paid whatever the AEA minimum is for the remainder of the contract. Apparently the Artistic Director at one of the LORT theatres in town received a phone call from AEA telling her that so and so had reached her 50 weeks and had to be paid LORT D minimum. Has anyone heard about this?

I don't know if this topic has ever been brought up but I am really curious about everyone's thoughts. The very first show I ever stage managed I called the entire thing (meaning that I had operators and ASM's and verbalized all of the cues). It took about five years from that time for me to stage manage another show where I fully called everything. In that time most of the shows I have stage managed I have had to run the boards whether it's running lights, calling sound, running sound, calling lights or running everything from lights, sound, projections to wireless mics.  I know from an AEA point of view, a stage manager cannot be a board operator unless a rider is put in their contract (at least that is my understanding). The theatre community here relies heavily on a stage manager being able to run a board, Equity or non-Equity.  We have a LORT theatre where the PSM calls the entire show but that is the only theatre in town where this is the case. The PSM at an SPT house, runs the light board and the PSM at a TYA house runs all of the boards.   What's been everyone's experience? I do consider running a board calling the show but in a different way. How do you feel about calling a show versus being one or both board ops?

Edited to add topic tag- Maribeth

Employment / Stage Managing Events--Put on Resume?
« on: Jul 29, 2013, 03:08 pm »
Hey Everyone!!
Quick question: I am curious about putting events that you stage manage on your resume. I am stage managing a benefit this Saturday and then stage managing a gala next Monday. Should I just leave it off or does it depend on the event? Thanks!!

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