I wrote this quickly, and perhaps wasn't clear enough in my last post, though I addressed that in this statement:
I'm speaking directly about being yelled AT instead of TO. Of course situations will come up where the yelling at is deserved, like you example with forgetting to make notes about the pony, but I'm not going to be walked all over and abused when it's out of line.
Yes, if there's a reason to be yelled at, I'll "gladly" take it, but if I'm being yelled AT (and not TO) because of something that I can't control or has nothing to do with me, and being blamed and screamed at, I'll stand up for myself. Like I said, I'm not a punching bag. I don't consider that to be part of my job.
And if someone is yelling at me for something that was my fault, I'd hope that it was a huge issue or was a recurring issue, because its a workplace, and being professional, in my opinion, is important. Yelling without reason to yell is ridiculous. Now I'd never tell a director off of course, but if I was constantly yelled at, I'd either take it to someone else, or discuss with them privately to see what can be done. If an actor yelled at me without reason, I'd pull them aside and talk to them them. **I will concede and say that how I handled it could depend on who it was. A local equity actor would be treated very differently than an A-list star in a situation like that.
I know that the entertainment industry is a lot different than other jobs, but it's still a job and still a workplace. And we all deserve fair and reasonable treatment in the workplace. I don't expect to be yelled at any more than a person in middle management at a corporation is yelled at. And having a partner who works in that field, I've come to understand that rarely are those type of employees yelled at without reason.
Finally, I'd like to throw in that I will always be there and listen when an actor, director, designer, etc need someone to yell TO. I'll listen to a rant about an issue so that they have someone to let the steam out to...