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Messages - samantha

Pages: [1]
SMNetwork Archives / Set Stuff for sale
« on: Feb 27, 2008, 03:24 pm »
I wasn't sure where exactly to post this, but I have 24 white stack chairs for sale that were part of a set.
I have tried craigslist, and a couple of other classified places, but no bites yet.
I was wondering if maybe someone here is interested, or has an idea of where to sell them.
They are located in New York City on the Upper West Side and are pick up only.
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks.
Here is a picture of what they look like:

Employment / Re: Unsure
« on: Jan 25, 2008, 05:46 pm »

Is IATSE your ultimate goal? Many people have had successful careers without joining the union. See if you can talk to union members and find out what they think.
I don't think you would need to go back to school. You can learn while being on the job. Keep getting the carpentry jobs/ATD jobs and see if you can learn more about AutoCAD and other computer programs.

IATSE isn't my ultimate goal, but I feel like it would provide me with the best benefits and steady work, unless I were to land something in a regional theater.

Employment / Re: Looking to get involved
« on: Jan 24, 2008, 05:52 pm »
I honestly think the best way to go about it is to just accumulate as much experience as you can, even if the job is crappy. It definitely helps that you have a degree; even if it's not in theater, I doubt anyone will care about that if you are good at what you do and have good references.
You will find something for sure, it just may not be the greatest job in the world at first.

Employment / Unsure
« on: Jan 24, 2008, 02:54 pm »
So "the biz" is something I sort of just fell into about six months ago... I actually was in college for psychology and had taken some time off to pursue a career in Carpentry. During that period of time I was offered a front of house job for a Haunted House in New York.
While working front of house I got promoted to stage manager, which I was told I would be really good at and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I also did some TD work for the house and have done a very small amount of ATD work since then.
I actually prefer to TD over stage manage. Like I said, my TD experience is minimal and I know IATSE is an impossible union to get into.
I don't think I want to go back to school, but I think I do want to pursue a career in tech.
So basically, what I want to know is, does anyone know how to go about this or a good way to get some credentials and experience in tech without actually having to go back to school? Thanks!

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