This is a courtesy posting - I have nothing to do with hiring for this job. If you are interested I will send you an email address to submit your resume. I imagine they probably want local only, but you can hammer that out with them.
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company in Baltimore, MD is seeking a stage manager (AEA or non) for their production of Romeo and Juliet. It's already in rehearsals (being run by the ASM, I think). The SM would join rehearsals as soon as possible. Tech is on Thursday and Friday, March 17 and 18. The show performs at 10am every weekday starting Monday March 21 - weekends are off. I'm honestly not sure about the closing date, because the body of the email I was sent says something different from the attached calendar - I think it's probably May 6, but it might also be May 20? It's a 90 minute play with no intermission. For Equity SMs, I don't know what contract it would be on.