Board News > Introductions

Stage Managing in CT & NY


Hello everyone!

My name is Geo Colon, I just graduated last year with my bachelors in Stage Management. Excited to be part of this community and eager to learn more! This past year I've had the opportunity to PSM/ASM several shows after graduating in the CT and NY area, my main goal though is to teach Stage Management in the future. My next step is to apply for my M.F.A in Stage Management, would love any advice on that!

I hope to live in a world where all production crews authentically mirror the diversity across the globe, encouraging an environment where people from various cultural backgrounds not only find representation but are also deeply valued. This vision is a big part of why I'm pursuing my MFA in Stage Management, as I believe education and leadership are key to fostering this change.

I am excited to be apart of this group and be able to gain new wisdom!

-Geo Colon

Welcome aboard, Geo!


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