Board News > Introductions
Stage Management Teacher and Opera SM
Greetings! My name is John Patrick Hunter and I have been a freelance opera Stage Manager since 2011. While I love working on the road and interacting with performers and musicians and technicians all over, I have just recently been hired to tech Stage Management full-time to high school students at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Georgetown, DC.
I can be a resource for those looking for information about Opera Stage Management and specifically, Stage Management within academic settings. I have previously worked at Juilliard, Jacobs School of Music, Manhattan School of Music, and the Peabody Institute. I also have experience working with the old New York City Opera and the new New York City Opera. I am also a graduate of the MFA Stage Management program at the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University.
I look forward to meeting new Stage Managers and students.
Welcome from another DC-er!
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