Author Topic: New to the SM Life....  (Read 2291 times)

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New to the SM Life....
« on: Sep 13, 2015, 08:21 am »
Hello all,

My name is Dawn (rhondaweasley is just my internet handle since my Harry Potter internet webmaster days and I'm attached to it)

Anyway, for the past couple years I've been doing SM work at small theatres. Mostly straight plays. I did an internship with an opera company (as a video intern, but I was super intrested and always asking the SMs how they kept a book for Opera), I've ASMed one Musical, and haven't really done anything in the world of Dance/Ballet. 

I started off volunteering at small local/community theatres after graduation and introduced the fact I have done SM work in college to the theatre. Many of these theatres allowed me to ASM and eventually started asking me to SM, which I had done in college, but didn't know if I wanted to do professionally. I still can't live off it, but the offers continue to come and there's a couple of theatres where I am very often asked to come back and work again. So now I'm thinking 'SM, as a career, yeah, this makes me happy.'

I got lucky and found a really really flexible day job, because I couldn't eat/live without one, but my heart and soul is into becoming a successful SM. I did not have any theatre in my life as a youngster, I found it by accident in college. I graduated college at an unusual age (33) and am now almost 36 and *just* really getting out there with people who are 10-15 years younger than I am, but when you find the thing that makes you happy, you just keep doing the work and hope it all works out in the end.

I've been reading post on here as a Guest for awhile, but today I registered. So, yay!


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Re: New to the SM Life....
« Reply #1 on: Sep 14, 2015, 10:12 pm »
Welcome, Dawn! Glad that you decided to register. It's great to have people of different backgrounds on the boards- I hope you share some of your experiences with us.

