Offstage > Homework Help

Deadline March 1, 2011: Stage managing for young actors


Attending school at: Eastern Michigan University
Instructor: Christine Tanner
Training level: Graduate
Project due date: March 1, 2011

Hi all!  As a part of my MFA thesis project, I am creating a guide for stage managing for youth theatre. 

My hope is to lessen the stress of the sometimes-intimidating journey of stage managing a room full of youth (casts of thousands!), communicating with parents in addition to the production team, and successfully getting a production from auditions to closing night.

So, here's the fun part:
I am collecting wisdom, ideas, suggestions, and experience in a survey.  It's ten questions long, and it is geared towards everyone who has worked in any capacity on a show with any number of young actors.  "Young actors" for this purpose are those ages 18 and younger.  I would love any and all responses you would be willing to provide.  Stories are welcome, if not encouraged!

Thanks in advance!

Here's the link:
newbielink: [nonactive]

Thank you for all of your help!  In the next several weeks I will be finalizing my thesis project (eep!).  It's been fun to read your answers.  If anyone has missed the survey link up to this point and would like to contribute, it'll be up until about mid/late February.

Thanks again,


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