I ask a TON of questions before I sign any contract - I've just been through too much by now, and am adamant about protecting myself.
Your list so far is great! One thing I usually nail the company to the wall about is cell phone reimbursements. You might find yourself on the phone constantly solving production problems, holding conference meetings, calling perpetually late actors, etc. Tell them what your plan is, and ask if you will have enough minutes by their estimation. If you need to increase your plan, they must pay the difference. If you go over your minutes, they must pay the overage costs. (They can't quibble about your personal calls - the point is, you wouldn't be going over your minutes if it were not for your work calls.) This can be extremely costly, so be sure you have extra-clear boundaries and guidelines about this. If it's an away gig, of course get lots of info on your housing (roommates? appliances? internet access? TV/DVD? air-conditioning? who cleans the place?). This is another place where you can be burned - and if you're going home to a rent-a-dump every night, you'll be in a foul mood all the time.
I usually ask all these ?s of the company before signing the contract. I also ask the director a lot of questions before we begin: policies on visitors, food, attire in rehearsal, taking breaks, their blocking/time tracking habits, things that drive them nuts in general, things that will make their day, etc.
A word of encouragement - ask ask ask these questions! Don't let them make you feel like you're pushy! These are issues that any company (professional or not) needs to address when working with their SMs. So even if they get that edge in their voice as they say "[Sigh] No, we won't cover parking expenses. No SM has ever asked that before." Fight for what you need! Maybe you're undertaking a labor of love and will just write that parking off on your taxes later. But you deserve to know that going into the gig.