
If you are a fulltime Resident Stage Manager, what is your time off schedule?

Fixed (standard one day off a week)
0 (0%)
Flexible (flex time off after busy peaks)
2 (100%)
Finite (only a few vacation days for the entire year)
0 (0%)

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Michelle R. Wood

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Time Off
« on: Aug 16, 2019, 10:38 pm »
Just curious to know how different theatres handle time off for a regular staff position rather than someone hired per contract. Despite the fulltime label, we often have irregular hours, with tech week of course requiring far more work than others, and some times not as busy during lulls between shows or easier shows. Because of that we rarely get an actual "weekend." Fulltime staff also have theatrical duties not specifically show related, requring hours in addition to rehearsal and shows.

Are days off usually specified in your contract? Or are there flex time arrangements where more time is granted during less busy periods? Are you allowed to request time off even during a busy time, or would that be unthinkable? Would your producer ever consider having someone fill in for you on a show if you really needed it? In your opinion, what would be an acceptable reason?

Should fulltime staff at theatres have dedicated day off regardless of Equity status? Does size of theatre/budget change your opinion?
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Re: Time Off
« Reply #1 on: Aug 19, 2019, 09:28 pm »
Not to say my experience is "typical" or even "reasonable," but I was the resident PSM at a non-Eq dinner theatre for 2 seasons.  During that time I had no guaranteed day off, and no "set" hours as I was a salaried, exempt employee.  If I didn't have shows, rehearsals, or meetings I could choose to take a day off whenever I wanted (and set my own work hours outside of rehearsals and performances), but I was required to work a minimum of 40 hours per week.

Sometimes depending on staffing, I was in rehearsals for one show and performances for another which meant I worked all 7 days for 4-6 weeks at a time.  This happened on 3 occasions and by the third time, I asked to be compensated more per week since I was working 2 shows.

Towards the end of my time there I started working only 32 hours a week and convinced them to give me the other 8 (and not dock my salary, which is illegal anyway) due to the vast number of weeks I was working 50-75 hours a week.

In exchange for our exempt status, the 5 salaries employees received 2 weeks of paid vacation.  However, I was not usually able to take it except in the rare times I had another SM on staff who was running a show.

Once, I worked 40 hours between after midnight on a Sunday (12AM monday) and after a matinee for a show I was supervising on Wednesday, then took Thursday through then Tuesday off, then worked 40 hours between Wednesday and the next Sunday, thereby taking a 7 day vacation without using vacation time.

By the time I left, they declined to pay out my vacation time (that I never used in 3 calendar years).  This was technically fine because there was zero written policies and not even a written offer that cited my vacation time.

SO, get your working conditions in writing!  If not a specified day off, have a superior sign off on a schedule you propose so you can at least prove you were asked to work a certain number of days/hours per week.
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Mac Calder

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Re: Time Off
« Reply #2 on: Aug 20, 2019, 05:28 am »
I guess we have it good in Australia -

For full time employee's:

Code: [Select]
45. Ordinary hours of work and rostering

[45 varied by PR506471]

45.1 Weekly employees

(a) The ordinary hours of work for weekly employees will be 38 per week.

[45.1(b) varied by PR506471 ppc 02Mar11]

(b) Ordinary hours may be worked on any of the days Monday through to and including Sunday between the hours of 7.00 am and 12 midnight. Provided that a Production &Support Staff employee engaged specifically as a cleaner may be rostered to work ordinary hours between 12 midnight and 7.00 am and will receive an additional loading of 20% of their ordinary hourly rate for such work.

(c) The number of ordinary hours to be worked on any day will be a minimum of four hours and a maximum of 12 hours to be worked in no more than two periods,each period to be continuous except as to meal hours occurring therein.

(d) Full-time employees will be entitled to two rostered days off work for every period of seven days,which will be consecutive wherever reasonably possible,provided that such rostered days off may by agreement accumulate up to a maximum of six days.

(e) Weekly employees must be notified seven days in advance by the employer of their working shifts by means of a roster placed in the staff room for each employee?s perusal. At least seven days?notice must be given to the employee should any alteration of the working hours be intended,except in the case of emergency.

(f) Cyclic rostering

(i) The implementation of cyclic rostering (that is,working hours other than as provided for in clauses 45.1(a) to (e)) will be determined at the enterprise where the employer and the majority of employees concerned agree. The ordinary hours of work will be an average of 38 per week and will not exceed 152 hours over 28 consecutive days.

(ii) Different arrangements may apply to different areas of operation within the enterprise.

(iii) An agreement pursuant to clause 45.1(f)(i) will be recorded in writing and be available to all employees.

In addition, 4 weeks paid leave per year, 10 sick days/personal carers leave and various overtime provisions.

