Author Topic: Novice stage manager wondering how much my rate should be  (Read 5732 times)

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 I am meeting with someone later today that wants to hire me as stage manager for a one act play, starting in July to August and I am wondering what my rate might be. I was a stage manager years ago and also have been in the theater and film industry for years, mostly film the past few years and am not sure what to ask for, for a small budget one act play. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much,


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Re: Novice stage manager wondering how much my rate should be
« Reply #1 on: Jun 20, 2007, 01:04 am »
what is the house size? how many people in the cast? how many shows a week? what are you doing besides calling the show? all those things go into consideration, along with how much you want to work w this director and/or on this play and/or at this theater.


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Re: Novice stage manager wondering how much my rate should be
« Reply #2 on: Jun 20, 2007, 10:54 am »
House size is 99. 3 cast members. 3 days a week rehearsals (3 hours). The show is 3 nights a weeks and an hour long. And I do want to work at the theater, with the director, and the play. Thanks for the comment, it is most appreciated.



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Re: Novice stage manager wondering how much my rate should be
« Reply #3 on: Jun 20, 2007, 01:07 pm »
(amber k, is this you? I referred you to two plays, wondering if this is one of them)

Sorry - more qqs -

Assume, at 99-seat, this is not union (altho it may be) - [if you are getting health weeks there is MUCH more room for compromise on the rate].

Assume you are running lights? Are you also running sound? How complex is the show, AND how much experience do you walk in the door with. Props: are you shoppping for/maintaining/ purchasing during the run? Do you have a PA? Are the actors getting minimum 99-seat pittance or have the producers offered them significantly more?

I think, for 99, if you are an experienced SM you shd take no LESS than $50 per show and work out a fair rate for rehearsals and tech week based on how much work you will be doing aside from normal SM tasks. (And, do you have other work - a day job - you will be giving up?) Also, make sure you deal with parking issues before you make your decision, and think abt gas money. I base my 99-seat rate on what I can't earn in other ways because of the time and work commitment to the show combined with how far away it is and how much I want to do it. If there are perks - free adjacent parking, a great cast and director, travel outside of rush hour, acknowledgement of what I bring to the table (you'd be surprised at how far a "thank you" can get them), I am willing to compromise (within reason).

If this is a resume-builder, taking less is reasonable, but keep in mind your time and skills have value, and a good sm will save the producer a lot of money in the long run. Does this help?

