Author Topic: How to Tour with Dance Companies?  (Read 5061 times)

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How to Tour with Dance Companies?
« on: Mar 01, 2009, 12:51 am »
Hello All,

I'm graduating in May and would like to find a dance company (companies) to work with and if possible go on tour with them.  Does anyone know the best way to go about stage managing/work with a dance company?

Thank you so much. Have a great day.



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Re: How to Tour with Dance Companies?
« Reply #1 on: Mar 01, 2009, 10:44 am »
Though I've never SM'd with a dance company (I've worked as a General Manager of a dance company briefly), I imagine the hiring process is similar to other SM areas. Throw your resume out there and try to get as many interviews as possible.

I've been reading news articles about a strange phenomenon in the dance world right now where, due to the terrible economy, some companies are touring less and yet at the same time other companies are touring more. It depends on what their ticket sales are like in their hometown. Sometimes going on the road, while an expensive undertaking, can bring in more profit than doing shows in a small and slow-selling hometown theatre. Other times, the company can't muster the staff/agent organization or the initial funds needed to launch a tour and so they're canceling road shows. Check, to the extent you are able, whether companies you'd like to tour with may be considering canceling their tours. You probably won't be able to get a clear answer, but digging for some info could be helpful and protect you a bit.

I hope our resident dance SM's here on SMNetwork will share their tips on getting hired here.

And there are some good posts on working in dance in general on our "Other" message board.


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Re: How to Tour with Dance Companies?
« Reply #2 on: Mar 01, 2009, 01:56 pm »
I SM with one particular dance company, and in my opinion it's just like getting a job anywhere else. I started working with them based on a recommendation from a mutual colleague, and since then we have built a working relationship. They tour a number of shows throughout the year, and I am one of the SMs they use- there is one particular piece of theirs that I work on more often than any other. I started with a piece performing in my hometown, and since then have done several short out-of-town gigs with them. (Very excited- going to San Fransisco in April!).

I've been reading news articles about a strange phenomenon in the dance world right now where, due to the terrible economy, some companies are touring less and yet at the same time other companies are touring more. It depends on what their ticket sales are like in their hometown.

The company that I work with told me they are planning on touring less next year- not as many bookings.

My best advice would be to talk to people you know in the world of dance- see if anyone knows of a company who's hiring. I have recommended other SMs when I was not available for something- maybe you know someone with a connection that you were unaware of. Does someone from the dance department at your university work with a company?

And I would definitely second the idea of sending out resumes, and scouring the job listing sites that are out there.