When I first got started looking for theare work, I would drive 1.5 to 2 hours all the time. It was a slog, but it was also the only way I could find good gigs (audiobooks are extremely helpful for those long late drives). It also helps if you have flexible hours at another job (if you have one) that will let you come in later.
For myself, I stopped driving so far when I had a scare on the road several years back during tech week and nearly went into a ditch. I made it home OK, but I realized that I couldn't keep doing it: I was exhausted all the time, I wasn't doing a good job on the show, and if I continued to drive so tired I could very likely find myself and/or someone else in the hospital.
I made some changes then, and one of those was that I would not travel that lengthy a commute again; now I keep it down to thirty minutes or less. Sometimes it's not an option to live closeby, which I understand completely, but you also have to consider how able you are to handle the drive. Now, if I could depend on someone else to drive, carpool, or take a public transit option, that might impact my thinking. For now, though, I judiciously choose where to work based on how able I am to get to there both healthy and ready to get the job done.