We're coming up on the 13th anniversary of SMNetwork, and next year will be the TENTH anniversary of the forums! (Crazy, no?) So I thought we should have a little fun and decide once and for all what the ultimate stage manager's symbol should be. Being your typical unathletic theatre nerd, I've always felt left out of sports excitement, so starting December 1, 2012 we will be taking on this challenge... tournament style.
That's right, it's the office supply/power tool championships. Gadget thunderdome.
Much like with sports seasons, I've come up with a loosely seeded tournament order and arbitrary "divisions" based on levels of stage management experience. I have attached the starting lineup and a bracket form to this post for anyone who is inclined to gamble on such things or wants to play fantasy football with the tools included. Pick your favorite and root for it as if it were your home team. It will make things far more interesting. Feel free to campaign for your favorite items, extol their virtues, and trash talk the other stuff. *evil grin*
Matches will be decided by poll. Four polls will run simultaneously for the first two rounds, each round lasting approximately half a week. This means we should be finished in early January. Give your relatives another reason to look at you strangely - stop by and cheer for your favorite all through the holiday season!
EDIT: Bracket updated with latest results 8 Dec 2012.